Turning one-time donors into repeat givers

Heather Hawkins
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2020

Did you know that up to 70% of donors slip through the net and become one time donors? Shocking, isn’t it? Many charities ignore the techniques for encouraging repeated donations and lose a more consistent revenue stream.

Attracting one-time donors takes a lot of hard work and wasting this effort at the first hurdle seems wasteful. After all, donors who set up recurring donations gave 42% more annually, compared to their one-time donor counterparts.

Below, are some simple tips that you can adapt to hook your one-time donors and turn them into repeat donors.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

1. The Three W’s …

It’s a simple philosophy, answering your donor’s question before they can ask it. It makes them more likely to understand how important their donations are to you, showing off why it’s even more important to keep giving to your organisation!

Answering the what, the where and the why:

  • What did the donation mean to you and what did it do?
  • Where did it go?
  • Why should they repeat a donation to you?

Keeping in contact with the donor after the pledge and showing them how they’ve made a difference, and answer the questions before they can ask them. People like to know they’ve spent their money well, and showing this off will hook them to keep pledging to you.

2. Where Investment Meets Return…

Engaging your donor with what is being returned from their investment is a key trick to keep the donor connected to the organisation.

This means that you show the donor some return on what they did for you. For example: inviting them to coffee mornings, giving them chances to attend events and fundraisers you have organised, giving them a ‘sneak peek’ at your new materials.

Engagement allows the donor to connect with their passion and to feel a valued resource in the organisation. Who doesn’t love a pat on the back?

3. Thank you a Thousand Times…

Sending a thank you is an easy trick to keep a donor interested. It’s easy to forget that you text SAVE-THE-PANDA’S while finishing off a glass of chardonnay with your feet up a few nights ago. Sending a message of appreciation can keep you in your donor’s mind whilst igniting their inner hero.

It’s true, a ‘thank you’ does go a long way, and it doesn’t have to be boring. You can get really creative with your emails and make your donor’s feel special. For example, if you have the resources available why not consider sending out hand-written thank you letters, or personalising a video message, even an ‘early update to show them the progress of their donations.

4. The One That Came Next …

This is where plan B is actioned. *ding ding* Round two. You’ve hooked your fish… now reel it in. A good ‘second response’ tactic is to let your supporters know how their gift has been used.

Knowing the money isn’t being frittered away on an extravagant Christmas party and the reason you needed the donation is being promoted in this way, celebrates the donation and creates much more significance to the donor.

This incentive of making a difference is more likely to create a positive response such as signing up for recurring donation programmes — baiting up for your next cast now you’ve found the right waters, and of course, bringing in that repeat donation to keep your charity moving forward. Keep bringing those fish in!

We’ve shared 4 of our 8 tips with you here. To find out more simple ways to retain your donors and let your hard work reap the rewards visit our blog.

