Introducing the ixo world showcase project: 1 Heart 1 Tree

IXO World Journal
Published in
7 min readDec 18, 2018

Pioneers of ixo world, connect with 1 Heart 1 Tree.

Imagine your own heartbeat pulsing with the life-giving energy of a tropical rainforest. We are all connected. Now you too can make a conscious contribution towards planting indigenous trees and regenerating the planet. Then inspire others to do the same. Pay for a tree to be planted in a rainforest, or sponsor an entire forest to grow for years to come.

Your investment will really count, as you will have proof of the impacts this achieves.

Using digital art representations in the virtual world to make tree-planting happen in the physical world, 1 Heart, 1 Tree (1H1T) has already inspired an avid international following and attracted the attention of global leaders. This started with a monumental artwork by the acclaimed digital artist and eco-activist Nazhia Mestaoui, who since 2016 has transformed the most emblematic monuments and major landmarks around the globe into virtual forests. 1 Heart, 1 Tree was inspired by her experiences traveling among aboriginal peoples in the Amazon, India, and Oman. These include the Huni Kui and Ashaninka in Peru and Brazil.

The work of Nazhia Mestaoui bridges the virtual and reality, technology and nature, as well as what is visible and invisible.

The campaign started in Paris as an official event of the pivotal United Nations climate conference (COP21), when the Eiffel Tower was adorned with beautiful virtual trees for 5 nights in a row. This powerful medium directly moved thousands of individuals to put their messages of hope up in lights and created global awareness of the need to preserve and regenerate the rich natural lungs of our planet, which are being rapidly destroyed by commercial interests. 1,4 million people witnessed the event through live-streaming ad this was relayed to 135 TV stations around the globe. This resulted in more than 100,000 trees being planted through community-driven reforestation programs.

Table Mountain, Cape Town, floodlit state and inspiration for transformation. 1999

Starting December 7th, ixo members can invest in rainforest regeneration, by sponsoring the planting of indigenous trees, through the 1 Heart 1 Tree website. Contributors to this project may also get to see their virtual trees come to life and will get the chance to vote for the next 1 Heart 1 Tree projection. If we reach 100 000 virtual trees, contributors will see their forest grow on either the Empire State Building, Table Mountain, Tower Bridge or the Brandenburg Gate.

Just before the project launched on ixo we sat down with Naziha Mestaoui, the artist behind 1 Heart 1 Tree, and ixo Founder Dr. Shaun Conway, to talk about the upcoming project.

What is the creative inspiration for 1 Heart 1 Tree?

NM: The impact is real. For each tree that is virtually planted through the medium of digital art, a real tree is planted in a reforestation program around the world, from the Amazon, to Senegal and France. For example, mangrove trees were planted in Casamance, Senegal, in collaboration with hundreds of villagers to restore this fragile ecosystem and to protect the coast and marine species.

I drew this inspiring vision of the future from the heart of ancestral knowledge and rites. Trained as an architect, I am also a quantum physics enthusiast. This passion led me to the Amazon, where I stayed with native tribes-people. This inspired me to create a series of projects based on the knowledge that immaterial cultural heritage and the societies that still live in are reality constructs of both the visible and invisible worlds. The relationship of Amazonians with nature is truly a source of inspiration and is very different from how we see the natural world. Trees are living beings.

SC: This is not an Avatar movie fantasy, but a reality that we can get in touch with if we allow ourselves to connect with our consciousness, which is where I understand the idea for 1 Heart 1 Tree originated.

NM: It is this fundamental value of respect that inspired me to reconnect the living to other living forms through technology. Our technologies are what we make of them. Today, the relationship we have with nature is greatly limited to the material. The idea is to pave the way for a future that is aware, a generator of meaning and a bearer of fruit. This is also why with 1 Heart 1 Tree, participants plant their virtual tree to the rhythm of their heartbeat, connecting us with other living beings.

SC: By using technology to generate an unprecedented large-scale commitment, this monumental artwork has the potential to touch citizens worldwide — wherever they may be, whatever their language, age, beliefs, or walk of life. We know that collective societal action is essential to combat the effects climate change in any meaningful way.

NM: By placing art at the heart of the initiative, it will reach a larger public. It is critical to take action in defense of the environment, with a positive and empowering message carried by a technological artwork that allows each one of us to become an actor of the environmental cause. A powerful and lasting experience is offered by seeing your name and message appear on world famous monuments with your unique virtual tree, generated by your heartbeat. The real and concrete impact is represented by planting your real tree in a partner reforestation project around the world, which is destined to improve living conditions locally and counteract the effects of climate change globally.

SC: As a citizen artwork, 1 Heart 1 Tree embodies the unique possibility of allowing our hearts to beat in unison and to collectively define our inspiration for the future.

Why is ixo relevant for the next stage of this campaign?

NM: In my work, I’m interested in finding ways to use technologies to help us reconnect with nature and be part of the solution. Blockchain is a field using our technologies to redefine what matters, by enabling us to count what matters and capture its value.

SC: This is about more than raising funds to finance projects. It makes the impacts real and personal. Each claim is made by a person who identifies themselves with an impact that will be created. If you contribute to the campaign, you get to see proof of how your contribution is being used. The claim is both a personal commitment and a public declaration. It enables us to all be more accountable.

What are you hoping to achieve by hosting this project on ixo?

NM: Trees planted through 1 Heart 1 Tree are local indigenous species and these are are grown by local villagers. The reforestation programs are built to regenerate ecosystems, rather than to be harvested for production. This regenerates ecosystems that have been destroyed by human activities, to provide habitat for wildlife and protect the land for local people.

SC: With ixo, we can enhance transparency, increase the efficiency of deploying capital and getting proof that it has been invested well, and promote sustainability at scale.

Who does the campaign appeal to?

NM: This is for individual people, foundations and companies who want to be part of the solution. I’m interested in engaging a new type of audience who would not necessarily have thought about planting trees to restore ecosystems. But through this initiative, mixing art and technology with nature, in ways that touch us and connect us, we can raise a deeper consciousness and collective action against climate change and the depletion of natural resources.

What excites you most about ixo?

NM: I hope we’ll reach a new audience and scale our existing reforestation projects.Then even give people the tools to create their own new projects. We can overcome scepticism and doubt about the impacts of our projects, as ixo enables us to deploy new ways of monitoring and verifying the reforestation claims. This can also make the projects more interactive, as the audience will have the possibility to be part of the monitoring mechanisms that will use drone and satellite images that people can see and interact with.

SC: Together with Nazhia, we also want to give contributors the opportunity to choose the next monument where they would want to see their digital trees grow. If we get enough participation and support, we can make this real and bring 1 Heart 1 Tree to a place you love.

What problem do you think working with ixo will solve?

NM: The artwork happens in sequence as it is traveling around the world. Each time it is linked with a specific reforestation program. Working with ixo gives the possibility to enhance the visibility of the reforestation programs and have continuity, by decentralising participation.

Participants will have tools to follow the evolution of the trees they have contributed towards planting.

SC: This is just the start of demonstrating how ixo can become a powerful platform for scaling projects across the world. To get this going with the beta launch of ixo, we have had to make some technical hacks in how the project operates at this stage, as it is still very centrally managed and we are using the conventional e-commerce functionality for people to make financial contributions. In early 2019, we will add a new Investment Agent role to ixo projects, which will enable projects to independently raise funds. 1 Heart 1 Tree will become a template project that anyone could initiate on ixo and implement in their own local community.

I expect this will have a slow start, but we must first learn and adapt before we go for scale. Let’s watch how this movement grows over the next year. We can track the results transparently on

SC: By personally investing in 1 Heart 1 Tree, you can offset the carbon footprint of your vacation travels, compensate for Christmas holiday season over-consumption, or make real your New Year resolutions to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

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IXO World Journal

The blockchain for Impact. Count what matters, value what counts.