Instagram as a blog?

2 min readFeb 17, 2018


Maybe is something weird that I’m going to use Instagram as a blogging platform to share my passion on building things and photography.

I tried before using medium + twitter but to be honest, none of them let me to engage in the same form as Instagram do. I mean, you practically have everything you need to start a ‘daily blog’ on Instagram, you have hashtags that can connect your stories with new people not only the one that follow you, you can use DM to network with interesting people and even have a smooth collection of memories (pictures) that can result in a better engagement with the story that you are telling.

So yeah, I want to start using Instagram as a blogging platform, as a working portfolio and to connect with more people outside of my small bubble….

Talking about Instagram, I’ll try to learn a specific style for my photography here on Instagram. I want to make something valuable and not too generic so I could post a few times per day, so maybe once or two times, instead of 3–6 pictures like I have been doing this past week.

After all, I just started with this account. I already manage a few pages on Instagram, some on 10K+ but all of them are focused on specific niches so is not like I can just post on one of them to show my work and life. Instead, I’m willing to start from Zero in order to entertain a new and organic audience.

Right now, I’m on a mission to change many things about my life. I want to be more productive, more fit, eat healthy and push myself to build as many things I can on this year.

I already build a prototype for one of my side project to create an startup. I know is not only about making a product, but reaching an audience, taking feedback, doing networking and even some legal stuff. But as I said, I want to do as many things I can on this year.

So you guys, can expect a lot of happenings on this Instagram page on 2018.

I hope you can stay and follow my journey, I’ll reply and engage as much as I can so feel free to make a comment, send me a DM or just like my stuff.

Izaak 😁

Photo by Matthew Kane
Edited by Izaak

