API Design — Expanding on Signals

Måns Bernhardt
7 min readApr 27, 2018


When working with UI frameworks, it is very common with APIs that want to notify the user of changes of different kinds. In Apple frameworks, these are typically expressed through the use of notifications, target/action, delegates or registration of callback closures.

In the article “Deriving Signals” those different APIs were unified by the introduction of the Signal type. This article will further explore the utility of signals and how they can become even more convenient to work with.

We start off by extending Signal with more useful transforms. Then UIControl is extended to signal UI events such as text field changes. We conclude by exploring how to combine signals and handle the notion of a current state.


In the previous article Signal was introduced as:

final class Signal<Value> {
let onValue: (_ callback: @escaping (Value) -> Void) -> Disposable

Signal abstracts the API for observing changes over time. To listen to these changes, a callback is passed to onValue. This callback will then be called for each change. When you are no longer interested in observing those changes, dispose() is called on the returned Disposable:

// Start observe
let disposable = signal.onValue { value in ... }
// Stop observe

Perhaps, more importantly, is that a Signal hides the details on how and from where events are generated. Signals can also be passed around and be shared among several users, and by applying transforms, they can be modified into new signals. The article "Deriving Signals" concluded by introducing the map() transform:

let email: Signal<String>
let shouldEnableButton = email.map { $0.isValidEmail }

More transforms

Similar to map we can add more transforms such as filter:

extension Signal {
func filter(_ predicate: @escaping (Value) -> Bool) -> Signal<Value> {
return Signal { callback in
self.onValue { value in
guard predicate(value) else { return }

Another useful transformation distinct() will filter out repeated values. If a new value is equal to the preceding value it will not be forwarded:

extension Signal where Value: Equatable {
func distinct() -> Signal<Value> {
return Signal { callback in
var prev: Value? = nil
return self.onValue { value in
if prev.map { $0 != value } ?? true {
prev = val

There are many more useful transformations such as debounce(), throttle() and latestTwo(). See Flow for more examples.

UI events

When working with UI, probably the most common usage of event handling is when working with UI controls such as UIKit’s UIButton and UITextField. The API for working with UIControl events is by setting up targets and actions. A problem with using target/action1 is that the declaration of the action is separated from the code where it is set up. This becomes even more problematic if the action needs access to some additional context data. This data needs to be stored in the target for the action to be able to access it:

class LoginController: UIViewController {
let button: UIButton // Need access to the button in `emailChanged`

init() {
button = UIButton(...)
let emailField = UITextField(...)
// Add to view hierarchy

button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(login), for: .touchUpInside)
emailField.addTarget(self, action: #selector(emailChanged), for: .editingChanged)

func emailChanged() {
button.isEnabled = emailField.text?.isValidEmail ?? false

When using signals we can instead capture this context data in the callback closure itself. This brings related code together and avoids potentially stale or out of sync context data.

Let us extend UIControl to provide a signal for control events:

extension UIControl {
func signal(for controlEvents: UIControlEvents) -> Signal<()> { ... }

Our view controller can now instead be written as:

class LoginController: UIViewController {
init() {
let button = UIButton(...)
let emailField = UITextField(...)
// Add to view hierarchy

bag += emailField.signal(for: .editingChanged).onValue {
button.isEnabled = emailField.text?.isValidEmail ?? false

bag += button.signal(for: .touchUpInside).onValue(login)


For most UIControls there is a signal that makes more sense than others. For UIButton it is signaling button presses, and for UITextField it is signaling changes to its text. It would be useful to express that certain types provide a default signal. Let us introduce a protocol for that:

protocol SignalProvider {
associatedtype Value
var providedSignal: Signal<Value> { get }

We can now retroactively extend UIButton:

extension UIButton: SignalProvider {
var providedSignal: Signal<()> {
return signal(for: .touchUpInside)

And for UITextField we will provide the current value of its text:

extension UITextField: SignalProvider {
var providedSignal: Signal<String> {
return signal(for: .editingChanged).map { self.text ?? "" }

It would be convenient if we did not have to explicitly call providedSignal on our conforming types. However, we do not want to implement all our transformations twice, once for Signal and once for SignalProvider. Fortunately, it is easy to conform Signal to SignalProvider by just returning itself:

extension Signal: SignalProvider {
var providedSignal: Signal<Value> {
return self

We can now move onValue() and our other transformations to work on SignalProvider instead. Our example will now read more succinctly:

bag += emailField.onValue { value in
button.isEnabled = value.isValidEmail

bag += button.onValue(login)

Working with multiple signals

Once you start using signals in many places you soon see a need to combine several signals into one. For example, if we have both an email and a password field and want to enable the button if both of them are valid we currently have to write:

bag += emailField.onValue { value in
button.isEnabled = value.isValidEmail && passwordField.text?.isValidPassword

bag += passwordField.onValue { value in
button.isEnabled = value.isValidPassword && emailField.text?.isValidEmail

This will be hard to maintain and will not scale if we get even more signals participating in the validation. What we would like is to combine these two signals into one signal that updates if any of the two signals are updated:

bag += combineLatest(emailField, passwordField).onValue { email, password in
button.isEnabled = email.isValidEmail && password.isValidPassword

An implementation of combineLatest might look like:

func combineLatest<A, B>(_ signalA: A, _ signalB: B) -> Signal<(A.Value, B.Value)>
where A: SignalProvider, B: SignalProvider {
return Signal { callback in
var a: A.Value?
var b: B.Value?

let bag = DisposeBag()

bag += signalA.onValue { value in
a = value
if let b = b {
callback((value, b))

bag += signalB.onEventType { value in
b = value
if let a = a {
callback((a, value))

return bag

Some other useful signal combiners are merge() and flatMapLatest(). See Flow for more information.

Accessing initial state

By adding combineLatest we got rid of the duplicated enable button logic. However, we also need to set up the initial state of isEnabled. In the current example, we could of course just set the button to disabled at creation. But what if the text fields would sometimes be pre-filled. Then disabled is not necessarily the preferred initial state. Yet again, this leads to code repetition:

button.isEnabled = emailField.text?.isValidEmail && passwordField.text?.isValidPassword

bag += combineLatest(emailField, passwordField).onValue { email, password in
button.isEnabled = email.isValidEmail && password.isValidPassword

It would be convenient if a text field would signal its current value at once when setting up a callback. Then the initial state could be set inside onValue() instead. But not all signals have a notion of a current value such as UIButton or notifications. How would we know which signals will signal an initial value and which will not? We could, of course, document this at the declaration site. But it would be better if the type itself could express this.

Let us introduce a new type called ReadSignal that extends Signal with a read-only value property returning its current value. We also add the transform atOnce() that will signal this value as soon as someone starts listening:

extension ReadSignal {
func atOnce() -> Signal<Value> {
return Signal { callback in
return self.onValue(callback)

We update UITextField to instead return a ReadSignal<String> and add atOnce() to our example:

bag += combineLatest(emailField, passwordField).atOnce().onValue {
button.isEnabled = $0.isValidEmail && $1.isValidPassword

Now the logic for enabling the button is in only one place inside onValue().

After adding ReadSignal, it also makes sense to add ReadWriteSignal where value is mutable and where updating the value will be signaled to listeners.

Moving between signal types

The introduction of different kinds of signals asks for ways to convert between them. For example, we might use a ReadWriteSignal internally to be able to work with its mutable value. But externally we only want to expose a non-mutable signal:

let internalState = ReadWriteSignal(false)
var state: ReadSignal<Bool> {
return internalState.readOnly()

Similarly, we would like to be able to upgrade a plain Signal to a ReadSignal or ReadWriteSignal. UITextField's signal could then be implemented as:

extension UITextField: SignalProvider {
var providedSignal: ReadSignal<String> {
return signal(for: .editingChanged)
.map { self.text ?? "" }
.readable(capturing: self.text ?? "")


In this article, we explored how the basic Signal type can be extended in different dimensions to make it even more convenient to work with. Firstly, we added more transforms such as filter() and distinct(). After that, we built a simple login view and investigated how to work with UIControl events. Lastly, we saw that, by combining signals and asking for initial values, we could more easily express our intention and avoid code repetition.

In an upcoming article, we will explore how we could implement parts of what was being discussed in this article, such as ReadSignal.

To learn more about what was covered in this article, you can download our open sourced framework Flow.

  1. This is true with many of Apple’s other observation APIs as well ↩︎

