How Many📗Stories📗Do You Read?

How much is too much? Well, I feel it’s an individual preference.

Graham D. Cooke


Author’s copy for book, ‘Customers For Life: How to Turn That One-Time Buyer into a Lifetime Customer’ written by Carl Sewell & Paul B. Brown.

Myself like many others, I know we read a lot. We likely read a lot on Medium too. It’s partly inherent in the nature to engage with other Medium writers, both by hi-lighting, clapping and occasionally responding to other writers to establish a relationship with those other writers.

Ask yourself first though:

  1. Do you want to concentrate on your own writing;
  2. Create earnings on Medium;
  3. Get more exposure for your existing writing; or,
  4. Simply just read for pleasure?

The sheer volume for stories to read is staggering. Just consider not only the full number that are Medium members, exceeding 50 million world-wide, but the numbers some Medium writers have as followers, some exceeding 2k, 5k, 8k and others over 10k and 50K.

How can all these high follower count writers still manage to engage with “all their followers?” Well, I have suspicions with some. Others are legitimate, truly excellent writers which can make it difficult to be engaged with your followers.

So, what’s the best approach?



Graham D. Cooke
Editor for

Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) đŸ•” ”"