The Emoji Movie

Jeremiah Gray
J-Gray Film Reviews
4 min readFeb 20, 2018

What else can I say about this movie other than that it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. However, the movie was a mixture of cringe and family fun if you like to talking emoji’s. Sony sponsored this movie and it doesn’t really surprise me at all because Sony creates a bunch of technological devices so it’s just fitting they sponsor a movie about emoji’s. However, the movie was kind of bad because it’s a movie about emoji’s for one, and two it’s because it was kind of cliche. The reason why it was so cliche because it all revolved around emoji’s jumping between apps trying to get off of the cellphone and into the cloud. The choice of voicing for the characters though I didn’t think was too bad, for instance high-5 is voice by James Corden, a SNL host. I thought he played his character in the movie really well because James in real life is real quirky guy and his character is the same way. High-5 was a good choice of a character for James Corden. He’s the best character.


Back on topic now about the Emoji movie, it was cliche and also kind of bad but I think the movie surrounded about bullying. To explain this it’s because during the whole movie it was about the emoji meh trying to fit it but couldn’t because he made other faces other than meh. He tries to hide it so he doesn’t get caught but then eventually makes other face when he freaks about sending his emoji to the phone, then everyone starts to call him a freak. After that he runs away to try and find himself to try and make himself “normal” so he would fit in. That’s because if you didn’t make the face you were supposed too then it was socially unacceptable for you to be in their society so you would get deleted completely off of the phone. The emoji meh did not like this so he ran off. I wonder if Sony was trying to tie in how bullying is a problem and should be fixed, but then accepting someone for who they are should be the answer. Nice move Sony, you did something right with a movie.

Besides how the movie was created, the animation in here is spot on but it was by Sony so it shouldn’t come to no surprise. Sony is great at animation, look at how they created the characters for this movie but also for other movies such as the smurfs. The animation is dope, and they also have some action incorporated with their animation movies. That’s another thing why this movie was alright, besides kind of saying bullying is bad and the messaged delivered across to the viewers about accepting people for who they are, they also have nice animation. I mean it was for a younger audience so I can see what message they were trying to get across to their audience.

The genre of this movie is Sci-fi and adventure however it tilts more towards a younger audience. The movie was created for a younger audience because they are more associated with emoji’s. I do not know how it is a sci-fi film because it has nothing to do with any of what that genre has to deal with which is like aliens and what not. The emoji movie is an adventure movie but I think it should also be named as a kids movie since they were targeting a younger audience with their message. This movie should not be deemed a sci-fi film at all especially since it’s an animated film as well. Animation for the most part goes towards a younger audience so it should’ve been named a kids film.

Well the emoji movie is a cringe worthy performance by Sony. When watching this film I thought it wasn’t bad but I also thought it wasn’t good. I did find out what message they were trying to get across which is cool, but they used emoji’s which in my opinion was a great idea for kids but also disgusting. The movie is a good kids film and it does get across a strong message so it would be a film that kids would like. However, for you parents and adults it’s a really “meh” movie because it doesn’t appeal to an older audience. So if you like Emoji’s, and a cliche plot this movie is for you. Good luck parents!



Jeremiah Gray
J-Gray Film Reviews
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A College student looking to succeed in life.