Game Review: Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor

A Lord of the Rings experience perfect for someone who could care less about Lord of the Rings

J. King
Casual Rambling



Neither in my youth or adulthood can I remember sitting down for a full Lord of the Rings movie. Not that it hasn’t happened, but I have no recollection of it. I do remember thumbing through the first 20 pages of The Hobbit and the first 100 pages of The Fellowship of the Ring. It takes commitment to get into epic fantasy stories like Harry Potter. As a consolation, I did read through most of the Eragon series which was also a fantasy story including dragons, elves, and magic.

The standard bearer for everything nerd culture and fantasy is Lord of the Rings. It has such an expansive world full of all the usual suspects. The humans, the elves, the dwarves, the wizards, someone who’s super evil and wants to destroy the world, and a score of nasty creatures including giant spiders which earns a hard nope from yours truly.

Shadow of Mordor uses the Lord of the Rings lore but is still fairly accessible for someone new to the world. That accessibility is achieved mostly by the fact that Shadow of Mordor sways so far from the original story that is not considered canon.

I should mention that the story is easier to digest the less you try to dissect…

