Pipe Bomb: The Last Wrestling Moment that Mattered

A line by line analysis of CM Punk’s reigning prophecy

J. King
Casual Rambling


from Bumps Not Included

Before CM Punk embarks on a scathing promo that forever changed the trajectory of his wrestling legacy, we bear witness to a John Cena defeat. The year is 2011. The date is June 6th. Cena was in the midst of his 10th WWE Championship reign. But this period of WWE would be known as the “Summer of Punk”.

As with all John Cena losses, CM Punk costs Cena the match by way of interference and distraction. Interference and distraction rank highly as options on the wheel of why John Cena lost. Of course, these options can extend anywhere from being spooked by a possessed child to the neon glow of his wrist bands getting in his eye. The wheel of why Cena loses has never gone bankrupt of ideas versus the conventional, he lost because the opponent was better. In wrestling, this is known as a clean loss.

In fact, three weeks after the Pipe Bomb promo aired when Punk and Cena faced off for the WWE Championship, Cena loses via attempted Montreal screwjob distraction.

