The Animaniacs cartoonize liberal idealism

The first season has its moments, especially when Pinky and the Brain commandeer the show

J. King
Casual Rambling


from The New York Times

The original Animaniacs was released in 1993, two years before I was born. They were literally before my time. I did grow up with the Animaniacs somewhat in my conscientiousness though. The series ended in 1998 when I was 3 but I do remember watching an Animaniacs movie called Wakko’s Wish and playing an Animaniacs video game on Super Nintendo.

As a child, they were the wild and zany characters they proclaimed themselves to be. I was fond of Wakko as his primary personality trait was being goofy and eating.

Two decades later and the Animaniacs are being rebooted to take on the socio-cultural and political challenges of the 21st century. Good luck.

It doesn’t take a trained liberal eye to acknowledge where the Animaniacs writers stand when it comes to issues of gun control, FOX News, and Donald Trump. The guise of parody is dropped for full-on cracks and blows at many political topics.

from The Independent

