Dude, seriously, you’ll get RSI writing all your stuff on your phone

He says to himself while simultaneously ignoring himself

Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…
2 min readMay 16, 2018


Dude, posture!

Of all the writing I’ve done so far this year – mostly short stories – the vast majority of it has been churned out on a small screen clasped between my hands while my thumbs scramble across a virtual keyboard.

Is this a bad thing? Should I be sitting at a laptop, or better still, a typewriter? Or should I be hand writing everything?

Oh the guilt!

I have a notebook lying around somewhere that I used to use as a journal and a physical container for my literary creativity. Didn’t last, though. I’d love to be that guy who carries a notebook everywhere with him wedged down the back of his jeans while he stares off into the middle distance smoothing down his unruly beard while he thinks. You know, like a real writer. Thats what they look like, right?

I do miss a certain physicality associated with my writing at the moment, though. I imagine the delight of hammering keys instead of obsessively tapping a glass screen. Or am I needlessly romanticising?

In terms of productivity, my current method seems to work. I’m writing aren’t I? So that’s a good thing.

Guess how many posts I wrote on the first day I set myself this 30-day challenge. Four! All of them drafted on my mobile in the Medium app.

For now, I’m going to stick with what’s working. I could go on, but I feel the need to finish here because my hands are aching. Hello RSI!

While you’re here, I’d love for you to sign up to my brand spanking new mailing list. Far from being a one-way broadcast channel, I’d like it to form the basis of a supportive community.



Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…

Husband and father, writing about life and tech while trying not to come across too Kafkaesque. Enjoys word-fiddling and sentence-retrenchment