Had an idea for a web app I can build myself and it fills a need… and I’m freaking out!

Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…
2 min readMay 27, 2018

First off, no I’m not going to bore you with the specifics of the idea.

The target market is incredibly dull but there seems to be an opportunity to fill a need by combining a few bits of web tech that already exist and making it stupidly easy to use.

This isn’t rocket science. It’s just like taking a load of bricks and building something useful out of them.

The idea seems to fill a gap in the market that will allow a certain type of business do something as standard which previously has been prohibitive by cost and hassle.

Oh what a lot of business-speak!

In essence, the current options for businesses wanting to do this “thing” are relatively expensive and they don’t scale well. What the industry needs is the opposite; something that can be done quickly and easily over and over again with low cost and little hassle.

The quality of the solution doesn’t need to be high-end and complex. In fact, complexity in this case is a major drawback. Lightweight simplicity is needed.

Anyway, that’s enough ambiguous business-style waffling for now.

Why am I freaking out?

Excitement mixed with frustration mixed with fear, I suppose.

Excitement because I believe the idea is solid and will be an easy sell.

Frustration because I just want to build it, like, now! But I can’t because I have other priorities I have to respect. It may need to wait a couple of months.

Fear because of, well, the unknown. The fear of not knowing how it will pan out. The fear of self-doubt. The fear of nasty surprises. The fear of letting this idea slip between my fingers like sand.

Writing about it has helped, though. I can visualise and confront my fears more easily by giving them substance through words.

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Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…

Husband and father, writing about life and tech while trying not to come across too Kafkaesque. Enjoys word-fiddling and sentence-retrenchment