New kitchen. Luxurious Living.

Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…
1 min readMar 23, 2018

I have been neglecting my writing over the last week or so. I am painfully made aware of this when I glance at my Medium stats.

Yes, alright Medium, I know I’ve been slacking. I’m working on it, ok?

So what have I been working on instead of crafting words? Well, I’ve built a new kitchen! With some help from a family friend, I might add. I’m not *that* capable. So we have a new kitchen in our apartment now which will hopefully make it a lot easier to sell.

Of course, having a nice new kitchen makes it less appealing to move now! But we do need a bigger place for our growing family.

Ok, we want a bigger place. “Need” is a strong word. We can cope in our current place but a bigger place would make life a lot easier. Living in a two bedroom apartment with two young kids gets a little cramped.

For many around the world, I know this would be luxury. And, yes, the guilt weighs in upon me. As usual, I will try to bury it deep and carry on regardless.



Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…

Husband and father, writing about life and tech while trying not to come across too Kafkaesque. Enjoys word-fiddling and sentence-retrenchment