The tale of a three-year-old hanging off my nose and the unexpected crowd of students

A journal entry from 12th Jan 2018

Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…
2 min readJan 12, 2018


I had to put the kids down to bed alone tonight as the wife had headed out on a rare meal out with a friend.

I’m pleased to report that It didn’t go too awfully.

My three-year-old maintained her balance while I put her socks on by pinching my nose and clasping my ear. She found that hilarious.

I sit alone now, enjoying the special kind of tranquility that comes over a house containing sleeping children.

This morning I had an interview at a local college. I already teach at the local university (Level 5 and 6) but an opportunity arose in the computing department of the nearby college so I agreed to an interview.

The interview lasted for over an hour but it flew past quickly. There was plenty to talk about. It was interesting to learn more about the differences between the college and university environments. A key difference is the fact that, at college, the students are classed as minors (under 18s). This comes with lots of implications.

After the interview, I was led to a classroom where about fifty students were waiting. I had prepared a short “micro teach” session which I thought was going to be delivered in front of a small class but, as it happens, I was thrown in at the deep end and gave my mini-lesson to three classes combined.

Phased? Me? Nope.

Loved it!



Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…

Husband and father, writing about life and tech while trying not to come across too Kafkaesque. Enjoys word-fiddling and sentence-retrenchment