Why I took a break from daily blogging yesterday

… but not really

Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…
2 min readJun 3, 2018


succumbing to the tiredness

I decided to gift myself with a bit of a break from the daily blogging yesterday. Why?

Well, I spent half of this week writing and editing a 2000-word short story from scratch. I also arranged for a friend to work up some illustrations for the story in a matter of days. (They’re awesome.)

Then I got it published on The Weekly Knob and it got featured in the Editors’ Picks (the top 3 from the week).

Multiple wins!

So I haven’t really had a break. In fact, I’ve been pouring a tonne of creative energy into this latest short story while still maintaining a daily blog (apart from yesterday, of course).

On the less creative side, I decided not to make it a members-only story even though The Weekly Knob publication accepts member-only stories. I added an email subscribe form at the bottom instead. I’ve had a couple of signups through this story already, so that’s validating.

Sure, I might have made a few £ by publishing it as a member-only piece but I’m focussed on trying to build a mailing list now. A tangible list of people who want to read my work.

Do I dare call it a fan base? Maybe that’s taking it a bit too far. Let’s call them appreciators instead of fans. I can see them nodding appreciatively and perhaps even cracking a smile upon reading some of my work.

None of this manic jumping up and down while screaming my name kind of thing. I’ll leave that for the cruddy pop stars to enjoy.

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Jon Jackson
J M Jackson Writes…

Husband and father, writing about life and tech while trying not to come across too Kafkaesque. Enjoys word-fiddling and sentence-retrenchment