The Lesson I Had To Remember To Help Relieve Stress

A Lesson That Could Also Help You!

J.R. Locke
J.R.’s Journal
2 min readNov 26, 2023


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

My parents used to scold me about how I dressed when I was growing up every day.

Whenever I tried to ask my dad a question, he would scan my whole body and lecture me on what he didn’t like, even when we weren’t going anywhere. He never once answered my question.

In my teen years, my appearance continued to deteriorate. There have been times when I wore clothes with holes in them. I didn’t feel like how I felt about myself, so I dressed how I felt, which only agitates them even more.

Why didn’t I feel my best?


It’s called depression.

Like I said, my dad would always point out my flaws which is why I felt like crap most of my years. I find it silly how my mom didn’t understand why I didn’t want to be around him.

She’s not always an understanding person.

Even though my mom was practically my best friend, she would often talk about college and my career. The stress was so bad I developed tremors in the middle of my college years. I had to drop out of my classes. It was too much.

My mom wanted me to have a great college experience like she did because those classes worked for her. Just because it did for her doesn’t mean it will for me.

I know it sounds cliche, but something told me my parents are more focused on me being one of those successful black men with a great house working as an engineer to impress their friends.

That life sounds nice, but here’s the lesson I had to relearn: No Gives A Damn About You!!

No one cares about what you do, what you wear, or what you like.

We need to remember that, especially if you have anxiety because everybody only cares about themselves. You can have all the big cars, the big house, and a hot wife. Our graves will always be the same. Life is short.

My mom tried to direct me to engineering, but the universe wanted me to do something else.

Whether my parents like it or not, it’s still my life, just like it’s still your life.

We all have choices.

I pursued my career as a screenwriter when I learned this. I even had a producer fall in love with one of my scripts. I only wished I had a better cinematographer or more respect when I was directing the film.

Anyway, if you remember that no one cares about you or your life, you’ll be relieved from stress.

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J.R. Locke
J.R.’s Journal

I'm a blogger for hire and writerprenuer who writes about blogging, marketing, sales, self-development, finances, and the law of attraction