Go to J&T Tech
J&T Tech
Founded in 2022, J&T Tech are 2 Engineers who’s passion for teaching brought them together with one mission: To share and teach our experiences.
Note from the editor

Founded in 2022, J&T Tech are 2 Engineers who’s passion for teaching brought them together with one mission: To share and teach our experiences.

Go to the profile of Thomas Higginson
Thomas Higginson
Software Engineer working on Cognitive EW capabilities, and human that enjoys making smiles. Welcome.
Go to the profile of Josh Orrick
Josh Orrick
Mathematician by trade, converted data scientist and ML enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Thomas Higginson
Thomas Higginson
Software Engineer working on Cognitive EW capabilities, and human that enjoys making smiles. Welcome.
Go to the profile of Josh Orrick
Josh Orrick
Mathematician by trade, converted data scientist and ML enthusiast.