A Tkinter Scroll View Widget

Thomas Higginson
J&T Tech
Published in
Apr 6, 2022

It’s something that should be built in, but isn’t 🙃.

I was working on a small personal project awhile ago and came across an interesting fact: Tkinter does not have a built in scroll view!! So, I made a little something that I needed. I stumbled across it recently, and thought I should share it so that everyone else can use it, modify it, roast my old spaghetti code, and do whatever you want with it. So, without any more fluff, below is a Tkinter scroll view widget (caveat; expansion in the y dimension is still behavior odd, and so auto expansion in y is disabled):

Find the github link here!

Hope you enjoyed!



Thomas Higginson
J&T Tech

Software Engineer working on Cognitive EW capabilities, and human that enjoys making smiles. Welcome.