7 Transferrable Skillsets You Can Port Over from Your 9–6 to 6–9

We have to learn valuable skillsets to get paid. We are better off learning them while on a day job and then carrying them with us to our side-hustles.

Aldric Chen


A guy performing uploading and downloading using his laptop.
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur.

It is sexy to be one. It is attractive to register ourselves as one in our Linkedin profile. It is cool without a job.

Ideals are great. But we have to face reality too.

Are you a bankrupt entrepreneur?

Are you an entrepreneur living from hand to mouth?

Are you able to pay off your bills and mortgage without financial sponsorship from relatives and friends?

You see, we walk a thin line given the cards we have and the ideals we hold. Having a salary while simultaneously working to realize our dreams need not go in opposing directions.

They can work as one.

Most importantly, our 9–6 can complement our side-hustles.

The 7 Transferrable Skillsets We Learn from Our 9–6

These are valuable skillsets we can learn while getting paid.



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.