Media Diet

Janyxa Avalos
Ja-knee-x-ah’s Blog
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

Tracking your media usage is something people should try out because one can then determine if their diet is healthy or unhealthy. Media usage, like many things, is good in moderation but tracking it can make one aware just how much of their day is given to their phone/media. The media diet of a college working student, like myself, is quite interesting because one thing changes it significantly. By the one thing I mean responsibility, I’ve noticed having a job changes the relationship one has with their phone. Were constantly touching, checking, and picking our phones up for many different reasons, but when we have to be completely focused on one thing our ticks change. No one is perfect and people use their phones during work all the time, but activity decreases when we have other things that require our attention.

Having a job is something many can relate to, but other responsibilities work the same way. Any other day I’m on my phone for hours using the same apps, and I’m constantly touching my phone. What I have noticed is that my phone usage drops to at least half of what id normally see on days I wouldn’t work. Like most people my age, being on your phone later in the day is very normal and this is when we spend the most time on our phones. So, it wasn’t shocking that the result of doing that was having bad sleeping habits. Though I was aware of this before, the sleeping habits, it became more apparent to me that it was because of how much time I spent on my phone at night. This was all surprising to me because I never realized how much something could affect my media diet and myself.

