My Netflix Experience

Janyxa Avalos
Ja-knee-x-ah’s Blog
3 min readMar 23, 2019

Netflix is a streaming service that almost everyone uses, they have millions of subscribers from all over the world. People watch all kinds of different shows, and movies, but the one thing all users share is the experience that Netflix offers. Everyone gets to have an account and customize it with an icon, people are able to watch whatever without the interruptions of commercials, and users can rate what they’ve watched.

When looking at my rating history I was wondering what it was that I liked and didn’t like, because I’ve never looked at what I’ve rated before. Although there wasn’t much that I’ve rated I noticed something that was particularly interesting. Netflix lets the users rate things not only so that they don’t recommend the same bad movie or show, but also to recommend things that you might like instead. Every show or movie that they recommend has a percentage match in the corner and this is all based on what you’ve rated. Although this isn’t new information it is something that myself, like many others, appreciate because no matter what one is into Netflix makes it easy to enjoy.

I’ve also noticed a few other things from the data that I’ve collected. One is that I usually rate something when I’ve either really liked it or really hated it. This has caused many of the ratings to be really high which helps the streaming service when recommending new movies/shows. Secondly, this data helped me realize what genres I’m most likely to watch. Again, this wasn’t completely new information for me, but I never noticed how much content within those genres I’ve watched, I always thought I liked a mix of everything, but the data shows comedy, sci-fi, and dramas are my go-to.

Since Netflix has a variety of things to watch and all while having no commercials, takes us to the next part of the experience that we all partake in, binge watching. The amount that I’ve watched over two and a half months is around 75 hours, which may not be a lot for some, but for me enough to re-evaluate my watching habits. Many of these hours are spent on days at a time, although I couldn’t show it in the graph, I spent over three hours on one day watching Netflix.

This service is designed to make someone keep watching for as long as possible because, in the end, this is how they make their money. Even though binge watching something may be entertaining and fun it isn’t something that everyone should be constantly doing, and this is what I learned for myself. I’ve spent way too much time watching shows and movies when I probably could’ve been using that time to do more important things. Participating in this activity is more on the negative side of the experience that almost everyone does, but it’s worth mentioning because its what makes Netflix, Netflix.

In conclusion, I have shown the information from my Netflix history to explain both the average experience of a Netflix user but also the general idea of what kinds of conclusions one can come to when evaluating their own habits.

