Photography | SLEEPWALKER

A photo-series by Xopher Wallace

Ja. magazine
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2019


A short while back, the Ja. submissions inbox received a mail containing a series of photographs by Durban-based Xopher Wallace — “an anonymous photographer that takes conceptual photographs based on the dreams I can remember.”

We loved the photographs, the videos, and the whole cloak and dagger vibe they had going on so we hit Xopher up for a Q&A on their artistic practice.

Xopher responded with nothing more than: “Run the submission yo”.

Very mysterious! Peep Xopher Wallace’s work and a brief accompanying statement by the artist below.

“Inspired by personal dreams and Japanese media, I have taken raw photographs and footage without special-effect-editing to achieve imagery as close to my imagination as possible. I named my current ongoing project S L E E P W A L K E R, trying to inspire an audience on having to live their dreams while awake. Because that’s what a sleepwalker does — dreams while physically awake.”

Find more by Xopher Wallace (and watch their videos) on Facebook and Instagram.



Ja. magazine

A place for the work of our contributors to sit, outside of the magazine.