The New York Democratic Primary is tomorrow. Do you know these five amazing candidates?

What happens tomorrow could shape the future of our state.

Jabari for State Senate
Jabari for State Senate
3 min readJun 22, 2020


We’re not just here to win a race, we’re here to win justice — but that takes more than any one candidate. That’s why we’re bringing a team to Albany. These amazing humans know what it takes to stand up to corporate power and, if I win, they’re the people I want standing next to me. If you’re lucky enough to live in one of their districts, please make sure you go vote for them:

Marcela Mitaynes

Assembly, District 51

Sunset Park, Red Hook, and parts of South Slope, Bay Ridge, and Borough Park

Marcela moved to Sunset Park from Peru when she was 5 years old and she has a long track record of standing up to power. After she was evicted from her home of 30 years, she dedicated herself from stopping the same thing from happening to her neighbors. As a tenant organizer, she was instrumental in the passage of the historic Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019. As an assembly member, I know she will do even more to protect New Yorkers.

Zohran Mamdani

Assembly, District 36


Zorhan is a housing counselor originally from Uganda whose work has focused around helping immigrant families who are facing eviction. He knows all too well the devastating impact that the real estate industry has had on our city, and he’s fighting back.

Phara Souffrant Forrest

Assembly, District 57

Fort Greene, Prospect Heights, Clinton Hill, a small slice of Bedford-Stuyvesant, and Crown Heights in Brooklyn

This is one of the fiercest women I know. She is a nurse who has tirelessly fought for her patients against a healthcare industry that prioritizes profits over people — even in the midst of a pandemic. Phara knows from experience that systems that don’t center human beings cannot function well enough to adequately meet their basic needs. Her vision for NY is exactly what we need right now.

Julia Salazar

State Senate, District 18

Bushwick, Cypress Hills, Greenpoint, and Williamsburg, with parts of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brownsville, and East New York

I volunteered for Julia’s campaign in 2018 because I knew she was truly dedicated to building a more just NY for working class people. In just 2 years, Julia has become a force to be reckoned with in Albany. In addition to being a major factor in getting last year’s rent reforms passed, she also authored the Good Cause Eviction bill which, if passed, will extend protections from baseless evictions to every New Yorker.

As an added bonus, NY has the chance to get another bold socialist elected to congress this year:

Samelys López

Congress, NY-15

South Bronx

Samelys grew up in the NYC shelter system and has first had experience with many of the ways the status quo is harming working class people. Her platform is built on addressing the root causes of these systemic failures — not putting bandaids on them. Congress could seriously use more reps like her.

I believe we will all look back on tomorrow as the day we dealt a shocking blow to the corporate interests feeding off our city. I’m so glad we get to be a part of that.



Jabari for State Senate
Jabari for State Senate

DSA activist, public school teacher, and current candidate for New York State Senate District 25.