The Importance of Being an Intern

Kaitlin Cook
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2017

One of the very first things I was told to do in college was to actively seek out internships. From day one I decided to pursue, to the best of my ability, any and all opportunities that fell into my path. Whether it was a freelance videography, the chance to take part in a live production of an athletic event or a long-term internship position, my skillset expanded tremendously just based on my participation in these various tasks. The main things that I learned by taking advantage of these internships were as follows:

· Learn new skills: Whether it be technical abilities or just workspace lingo, it’s helpful to get real-world experience in what you want to do. Textbooks can only get you so far, by being in an office space you gain hands-on experience as well as insights into your desired field.

· Build connections: One of the major benefits of internships is building connections in your career field. By having these connections, you are creating a strong network of individuals who (hopefully) want to help you succeed. A letter of recommendation can go a long way in a competitive job hunt.

· Don’t be picky: Just because an opportunity comes at a funky time or causes you to go out of your comfort zone doesn’t mean you should turn it down. Every chance you get to learn something that could help you in the future is worth taking a risk for. Anything, no matter how crazy it is, can teach you a lesson.

While accepting these opportunities resulted in many sleepless nights and stressful weekends, the experiences I gained have made me a more well-rounded job candidate. The main goal is to get a job doing what you love, right? By pursuing all of the opportunities that you find, you are setting yourself up to be a stronger candidate and ultimately a more successful employee.

