New iPad: Why launch on a Thursday?

Jack Dearlove
Jack Dearlove
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2014

Apple has finally announced the date for their traditional October new iPad/iPod event.

There were rumours it would be October 21st but according to re/code the big day is now October 16th…. A Thursday…

Thursday’s are quite unusual for Apple. Traditionally they like to launch things on a Tuesday (with the obvious exception of the Monday WWDC keynote) so they get the benefit of a few weekdays of coverage before the world takes a collective sigh of relief for the weekend.

The company likes to open pre-orders and start selling on Fridays so a Thursday launch could theoretically mean they surprise us all with new iPads in stores the very next day. This is highly unlikely though given the logistics of shipping thousands of physical products all around the world in secret.

Realistically I’m probably reading too much into it all. Apple’s theatre was probably just booked on the usual Tuesday…..

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