AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

Jackie Chen
Jackie Chen’s IT Workshop
3 min readMay 6, 2022



AWS Cost Anomaly Detection is an AWS Cost Explorer feature that uses machine learning to continuously monitor your cost and usage to detect unusual spends. Using AWS Cost Anomaly Detection includes the following benefits:

  • Receive alerts individually in aggregated reports. You can receive alerts in an email or an Amazon SNS topic.
  • Evaluate your spend patterns using machine learning methods to minimize false positive alerts. For example, you can evaluate weekly or monthly seasonality and organic growth.
  • Analyze and determine the root cause of the anomaly, such as account, service, Region, or usage type that is driving the cost increase.
  • Configure how you need to evaluate your costs. You can choose whether you want to analyze all of your AWS services independently, or by member accounts, cost allocation tags, or cost categories.

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection runs approximately three times a day after your billing data is processed. You might experience a slight delay in receiving alerts. As a result, you might accumulate additional costs over the notified amount by the time you receive the alert.

How it works

  1. Cost Anomaly Detection can be setup via console/CFN/CDK (cfn resource), and the region has to be us-east-1. Two main components need to be configured:
    cost monitors — 4 types: AWS services/ Linked account/ Cost category/ Cost allocation tag
    alert subscriptions — 3…



Jackie Chen
Jackie Chen’s IT Workshop

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.