Health life story

Chen-Chih’s Portfolio Page
4 min readApr 15, 2024

Today I would like to talk about something about life I met that is not related to technology blog. Last week I was talking with my ex-colleague about another ex-colleague who had been paralyzed due to a stroke after a survey on his brain.

The story was like this: one day he told his wife that one of his arms couldn’t move and was sent to the emergency. The doctors told them the brain has blood stuck (blood clot blockage) which in medial called a stroke (ischemic stroke)when blood vessels are stuck in the brain.

He had surgery, then after surgery he was awake doctor told his wife to let him rest for a while, but then didn’t wake until a couple of days, but unfortunately when he woke up he got paralyzed in bed.

This tells us that no matter how busy we are we need to always think health is one of the most priority stuff in our life especially as long as we get older our body system will drop downward.

I would like to share the story with everyone please treasure and understand your own body. Many people spend time working sitting for many hours, or eating food or whatever but please remember you always need to give yourself some time like in a week at least 2–3 day exercise at least for 30 minutes. A small walk is enough to let our blood vessels circulate through our body. If blood circulation is not smooth our nervous system might not be working properly, and as time moves on it might become a big issue, just like the stroke that my ex-colleague encountered it.

You see when you get sick not just you get affected, but your family also too. Like my college he has 3 children, right now all of the pressure will be handled toward his wife. I believe it will cause many mental and emotional problems in their family, but still have to face it. You see originally he was supposed to get promoted but because of this health problem, the company only let him resign.

Everyone can have different values in life, but for me, my biggest value in life would land health>family > money. You see if you don’t have health how can you have work money, so it’s the foundation of life. To have a wonderful and happy life is to care for your health no other important than it.

Share some stories about myself, my father spent his whole life working, saving money, and never had time to enjoy his life(this is what most Asian people). But then one time he had been coughing for many months, one day he coughed with blood. He went to the hospital to check out and was diagnosed with lung cancer, indeed all the work was force to stop, no time to enjoy his life, and spend time to cure his health issues. At that time I started to work and realized life and death are just so near us if we don’t treasure our health. No one would ever think about it until you have experience with it, and indeed I had experience with it. There are many unexpected stuff we can’t predict in life. So every day he has to exercise, and periodically go to the hospital to do tracking.

Before his illness his priority was on work, and even company health checkups neglected on it, then the result he gained was mental issues, and then got retired. You can see no matter how much work you contribute to your work, once you have no value you are worth nothing.

One last word to spend with people is always should care for your health before doing massive of work. I spend most of my time discovering emotional health issues, and indeed it is one of the top health issues in life and career. You might not agree cancer also comes from pressure and emotional issues. If any of you ever feel unhappy in life, work, or relationship, please spend time to find the solution and not let it go. If ever encounter this emotional issue, please find someone to talk to, or find a psychotherapist (psychological therapist). Don’t ever endure the stress or depression problem you encounter, just talk to someone or shout it out. If you endure it you will end up exploding it out and might cause more mental problems. As you can see in my father's story he spends his time working, inside his heart there are many of stress but he never shares this stuff with anyone involved his family or anyone.

This is a true story from me, just want to share with people how health is going to affect our life and journey. Hope everyone can have a happy life on your journey. Life is fantastic, please don’t let others take your joy, always happy enjoy life with high positive energy to migrate manifest life.



Chen-Chih’s Portfolio Page

I self study technology, and likes to exchange knowledge with people. I try writing complex tech blog into simple and various ways for people to understand.