Here’s Some of Our Favorite Martech

Stacy Jackson
Jackson Marketing
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2019

Originally published at

What is martech? Martech is the technology that powers modern marketing strategies and tactics and covers a variety of different promotional, content, analytical, and planning tasks and disciplines.

Now that we have that definition out of the way, on with the post.

My original intention today was to write an in-depth article on the various categories of marketing tech options with suggestions on how you could implement them in your marketing strategy.

Then reality hit me: there’s no way to explain this in a single blog post and be thorough while not also scaring the living daylights out of anyone who’s still uncomfortable with what to use and how to implement it.

Instead, let’s talk a bit about the evolution of the martech landscape followed by a peek at our favorite martech solutions and how you can use them.

Sound good? Let’s go!


Look at this infographic showing the 2018 martech landscape.

Ummm . . . just looking at this infographic makes my head hurt. The marketing technology landscape is extremely crowded, and that’s not hyperbole, folks. If we were to cover, in a single blog post, each category and subcategory of martech shown here, I think we would all lose it.

While I love using the newest solutions as much as the next geeky marketer, sometimes you have to take a deep breath, take a step back, and ask yourself, “Do we really need this? Are we ready to use this now?”

Since 2011, the number of total tech tools for marketing has grown from 150 to more than 7,000! That’s a 4566.67% increase. @stacy_jax via @jacksonmktginc

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Since 2011, the number of total tech tools for marketing has grown from 150 to more than 7,000! That’s a 4566.67% increase. What will the 2019 landscape look like? I’m a little scared (and at the same time, delighted) to find out. However, that’s a blog post for another day.


The infographic above covers five main categories, each of which has at least six subcategories. Wowza! I’m not going to follow this infographic in describing some of our favorite solutions. Every time I look at all these subcategories, my brain cries a little bit.

Instead, I’m going to break down some of our favorite tools for inbound and content marketing and list them by where they plug into the process. This isn’t an exhaustive list; and for clients, we sometimes use different tools based on their unique needs. However, this is as good of an example as any to wade into the martech waters.

Some of our favorite tools at Jackson Marketing
Want to click through to these tools? Visit the original post on our website.

As you can see, we didn’t include any of our planning and productivity solutions, and we left off some other web analytics/management tools. If you’re interested, our favorites include:

What martech tools are you currently using? Where do you think you have gaps in your tech stack? If you’d like to talk about optimizing your marketing technology, let us know! Just start a website chat with us or check out our Contact Us page.



Stacy Jackson
Jackson Marketing

Writer, editor, and content marketer. Keen memory for trivia, but don’t ask me where I left my keys. . . . or my phone.