Journal Entry the Fourth

Jackson Phillips
Jackson Phillips’ Journal
2 min readJul 31, 2019

The topics concerning relationships were interesting to me. I agree with the notions of attachment mentioned, but I do not feel as if I have any personal attachment issues. I would place myself in the secure category, but the article provides an interesting take on how impact early relationships are. I have a great relationship with both my little brother and sister. My relationship with my brother has taught me how to share and deal with difficult people. This will only help me in college, and my relationship with my roommate has started out on the right foot due to my agreeable and sharing nature. I can partly thank my siblings for that.

I believe I am a sampler, but I would like to generate my own category in which I try to be friends with everyone yet have a group of my closest friends. This has already started to take shape in the small amount of time I have had in college. I would like to stay in the same realm of friendships that I have now, but I am not resistant to change. I plan on just going with the flow. I also feel that I could improve as a conversationalist. I’m not shy, but I find it difficult to communicate to people I have just met because my sense of humor is typically sarcastic. Once I get to know people, however, I love having conversations about anything. I have no experience with the last reading concerning online dating. I understand that people my age tend to utilize the internet to meet others, but I have not met anybody who focuses on that route. I think it is easier and better to meet people in person, and I feel that better relationships are forged through these interactions.

