Entrepreneurship Is The Sustainable Future

Jordan Cowdery
Published in
7 min readNov 15, 2017

The sustainable future that we’re looking for can only be found in entrepreneurship. While sustainability in itself encompasses a broad range of sectors that do require nurturing, there’s nothing more important than the symbiotic working of economic sustainability in the lives of each individual. Yup, I get it. You don’t want to be another trendy “wantrepreneur”, but an entrepreneur who actually makes a difference that can be seen and felt. So, let’s talk about it.

Have you ever heard of the word “entrepreneur”? Of course you have, and I have too. It’s become a bit annoying to me. Not necessarily the word or meaning of it, but rather the attitude of that relentless Instagrammer who focuses more on Photoshop than actually doing the real work of entrepreneurship that benefits humanity.


Well, because it is! Just kidding.

Responsible entrepreneurship consists of economic, environmental, and social change — all 3 should operate as one. In the United States, positive environmental and social change has enjoyed steady growth for the past 2 to 3 decades and continues to do so, but not without its challenges and work to be done. Unfortunately, it’s economic growth that has slowed since the real estate bubble burst and the stock market crash a little less than 10 years ago. Yes, recovery appears to be underway, but we aren’t quite in an ideal place just yet. This issue is largely confirmed among industry titans in the wake of the exponential growth of Artificial Intelligence. So how is that we have more college graduates ever in US history, yet we still have a tremendous need for robots?

CNBC reveals that “Nearly half of families have no retirement account savings at all,” the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reported, even in savings vehicles such as IRAs and 401(k)s. The median for U.S. families is just $5,000, and the median for families with some savings is $60,000. Even older workers who can see retirement on the horizon aren’t prepared for it. Given that less than 13 percent of Americans have pensions — though as recently as 25 years ago, that figure was 38 percent — and, for millions of U.S. workers, “the grand 401(k) experiment has been a failure,” how will seniors cope? Some expect to rely more on Social Security, Gallup reports, though that was always intended to be a supplement, not a primary source of income. Others expect to rely on help from their next generation. According to the Natixis U.S. Investor Survey, 24 percent of baby boomers expect that “contributions from children” will play an important role in funding their retirement.”

YOLO is today’s mantra, but may be not a responsible one for the long-haul in order to make a positive lasting impact on more than one’s self. Like it or not, this is our reality, and we must do something about it…today! Over 63% of Millennials plan to only save for their desired lifestyle, over retirement. Barring a disease or accident, you and I will get old and die, and so will our parents. Everyone knows that gone are the days of working at a career for the next 20 to 30 and living the American dream on retirement savings in Miami. College grads are taught about a financial world that doesn’t exist. Reality has no desire to temper itself in the revealing of is true and harsh nature of survival of the fittest. This is what universities have not prepared their pupils for. Our parents have gone broke paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for our education that largely isn’t relevant, with the exception of services jobs.

This means that Generations X,Y, and Millennials must come to the rescue if we truly want to relish a sustainable future for our parents, ourselves, and for those who will glean after us. Mobile entrepreneurship makes this both achievable, and sustainable.


People spend over 40% of their lives on a mobile device. Print media has suffered as a result, but our environmental pollution has lowered as well. The labor force has largely transitioned from a manual intensive work, to jobs being performed from remote locations, opposed to corporate buildings. CEO’s have embraced this new culture because it lowers the company’s overhead, and their employees enjoy time and location freedom. However, the company retains the right to move that employee any place of their choosing should that person decide to maintain employment. With all of life’s uncertainties, both financially and technologically, many Generation X and Y’ers, along with Millennials are choosing to launch businesses right from their living room and Starbucks from their mobile devices. Sustainability of life and the earth largely depends upon minimal human wear and traffic. The world is on a budget right now, and not for a lack of natural resources, but for a lack of man-made resources and time needed to cultivate the natural. The technocrats seemed to have known this. Technology has broken the social, environmental, and financial barriers that once existed. But of course there’s an on going debate as to whether or not technology is hurting or helping humanity. Yet common sense shows that the character of the person dictates tech, and not the other way around. Technology and devices power nearly everything in first and second world nations, of which third world powers depend upon to survive. Therefore we must find ways to not only live richer and more responsible lives, but we must find new ways to do business more sustainable by leveraging technology. It’s to the saving of lives, beginning with our own.


Let’s dispel the myth of entrepreneurship equating to not working for anyone and getting rich quick. Being an entrepreneur means that you’re even more dedicated to a life of service over financial gain, though both are incredibly helpful when employed ethically. Someone is always directly signing our checks, from the CEO to our customers. Employees view work as 9 to 5, and have no desire to contribute their talents outside of that time frame. An entrepreneur may or may not work 8 or 9 hours a day straight through, but gifts much more of their time every week, month, and year to maximizing their abilities for a more prosperous existence for themselves and others. The most successful entrepreneurs have a profound understanding that their learning experience didn’t end at the university graduation ceremony. Post-grad education must continue beyond the class room and into the real-world room. The good thing about continued business education for entrepreneurs and creatives is that one can do so for the faction of the cost of a university course, as well as become apart of a community of like-minded persons traveling along similar professional and life journeys. Ever heard of the wealthy 1%? Yeah. Me too. The 99% percent needs them to keep doing what they do. Over 45% of the United States taxes are paid by the 1%. Economic growth is happening, but only for those who are willing to make the technological adjustment and get additional education. As a result of a lack of education, poverty rates throughout many major cities in the US are increasing by leaps, year upon year.

Here’s the simple truth. Either you will become part of the 1%, or remain in the 99 percentile of the work force in trying to get a good job, coast through life, and hope the best for your future. Our financial landscape is suffering a major shift, and the class gap is widening with few building bridges. Now is the time to jump with minimal risk. Unlike brick and mortar, if you have a mobile device, an internet connection, and only a few hours a week to invest into your future, you can launch your sustainable vision in little time from any place in the world. You will also get a brief but poignant education about the in’s and out’s of your particular craft in real time, how to create it, curate it, cultivate it, and even save time and money in getting better at doing it. Immediate actionable business education and services isn’t the future of learning and doing, it’s now. So let’s build and grow together😊

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