Time For A New Mentor? Here’s The Best Way To Find One

Jordan Cowdery
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2017


Time for a new mentor? Here’s the best way to find one.

In order to understand what exactly is a mentor, you must first define the word “mentoring”, it is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital (meaning “by trust and cooperation”). It’s usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less.

Since the 1970’s, the term has taken on a lesser meaning to be used primarily in a training context. But the antiquity practice of mentorship has lost its original intent. The word “mentor” was inspired by the character of Mentor in Homer’s Odyssey. Though the actual Mentor in the story is sort of an ineffective old man, the goddess Athena takes on his appearance in order to guide young Telemachus in his time of difficulty. However, the application of mentorship didn’t start with the Greeks! Mentorship began with the first parent/child relationship.

Mentors of old actually sought out their protégés beginning with their children, that their legacy would remain and be remembered to all generations. This hasn’t changed among genuine mentors of today. Youth who were teachable and possessed the ability to perceive, and not simply, see, were also of great value. Unfortunately, perception is greatly undervalued and misunderstood today. Everything that’s relevant and true is not tangible alone, such as love. Imagine experiencing it without having a body? Love would then become torment! The desire to externally engage with the internal, and vice versus, is what brings pleasure in life. There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling something that you and I can’t demonstrate. By discernment, mentors and parents show their young and protégés how to leverage themselves both spiritually and physically to be successful in the trade of their way.


I don’t believe in a “good mentor” or a “bad mentor”. Like a lion, either it is one, or it isn’t. So, instead of defining who’s not, allow me to articulate who is a mentor, and then by default you’ll know whom to avoid.

Passion Identification is what you must engage in so that you can locate your teacher. What is it that irritates you the most? What are you most passionately good at? When you do it, do you forget to eat, prolong your sleep, and even avoid making trips to the bathroom? If the answer is yes, you’ve found the problem that you are meant to solve — that is your calling! The mentor that you chose should already be seeking to teach others why and how they’ve brought a resolution to the identical problem that you want to fix. The Bible says that Wisdom calls at the gates. The wise mentor will call for others that they may impart into all who are willing receive, and pursue. There’s no need to worry about being rejected by the teacher whom best fits you as a student, because they’ve already demonstrated that they first wanted you!

Your mentor will have made those around s/he better people, and not superficially, or the appearance there of. All of the mentor’s success stories will be from those who’ve been the recipients of the same or similar results that you’re looking for. Not only that, but the mentor’s tribal members will also have a new and better mindset than from before following that mentor. The main purpose of mentorship is to develop, and/or change the mindset. Sure, we can obtain more friends associates, things, and recognition, and also be worse off as a result. Without that vertically mental adjustment, all else is futile. The mentor for you will steer you away from such attitudes that erode good character and integrity.

Last, but certainly not least. The best mentor/protégée relationship will not be an insecure one. It’s totally impossible to follow someone that fears your success more than your failure. Your mentor will relish in your prosperity in every way, because it reflects well upon themselves, and helps to build their name in the respective industry for which they serve.


Locate — Once you have identified and understand the problem that you want to solve, search out your mentor on Facebook. There is no better platform that allows you and your future instructor to interact. While you may not have direct access to your mentor, don’t fail to connect with his or her succeeding protégées. Often times you’ll learn of the overall vision from your mentor, but reap the detailed understanding of it from those with similar accomplishments who are subordinate to them. It’s like a parent leaving instructions for chores to the eldest sibling, who then translates them to the younger in their own language. It wasn’t that long ago that the older sibling could relate to their younger counterpart’s mindset and style of communication.

Learn — Spend at least a two weeks learning everything that you can about your mentor’s craft by subscribing to every free product that they offer. Identify their victories, as well as their losses, and how they’ve responded to them. Knowing how your mentor approaches their shortcomings will reveal mounts of evidence about their character, and how close to follow them. A mentor who sweeps their failures under a rug, rather than learning from them will see their decline, in time. But should you discover that you’ve found the right mentor, buy all of their products that you can, study them, and then do what they instruct.

Resolve — Instead of asking what you can you receive, find out what you can give by solving your mentors problem(s) from your identified passion. That’s why you’ve taken 2 weeks to examine them. This process is not a glamorous one, and doesn’t need be, You will learn how to maximize the value that you want to offer your potential clients by serving them in a problem solving capacity. Rubbing elbows isn’t the goal here. Rubbing minds is, and not just with your mentor, but their hirelings too. You are all in this together until the mission is accomplished!

Once you have proven that you are a help to your mentor and not a hinderance, they will be inclined to give you more access to themselves. Before beginning this process, make sure that you understand their vision, yours, and are willing to commit. As best as you are able, determine the cost follow your new mentor. This can prove difficult when one has been doing things their way for a while. However, there is protection, peace, and provision in subordination. Your mentor wants to shape you for greatness, not sheer you.

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