Are Uber, Airbnb And Other Sharing Economy Businesses Good For America?

Jacob Morgan
Jacob Morgan
Published in
12 min readDec 17, 2015

This post was co-written by Eric Severson, an Appointee at the National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship and the former co-CHRO and senior vice president at Gap Inc.

Imagine a world where there are no employees. Instead everyone is an independent worker that moves around from company to company, project to project, and task to task. This is what most of the media and business publications are making it seem the future will look like, and they are wrong. While we will indeed see the trend towards independent workers increase, this trend will by no means reach the exorbitantly large levels that some are reporting. Still, it is true that we no longer need to rely on organizations as our only source of income. Today you can drive for Uber or Lyft, rent out your place on Airbnb, sell products directly on Etsy, or offer your services on Upwork.

Rest assured that full-time employment will continue to exist but the number of independent workers will also rise which means that organizations will be forced to rethink their employment model which looks like one of the six freelance scenarios below.

Sasha (1) a twenty-something San Francisco entrepreneur and first- generation Russian immigrant, has been driving for ride-sharing giant Uber for about a year. Although he earned his degree from the prestigious Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and is seeing early success in his startup food delivery business, he drives for Uber, ironically, “to put food on the table” because his fledgling start up requires every dollar of investment he can round up.

Omar, a veteran African-American firefighter, has a six-figure annual income that would be the envy of many. Nevertheless, in San Francisco’s stratospheric real estate market (the average home price was $1,155,000 in October 2015)(2), even a six-figure income often isn’t enough to make ends meet. To help ease the burden of his $5,000 monthly mortgage, Omar frequently rents out his home during his 24-hour shifts to short-term renters on home-sharing marketplace Airbnb. As an Airbnb “host,” Omar earns enough additional income some months to offset his entire mortgage payment.

Mike and Tien are a Bay Area couple who hold full-time positions– Mike as a small business owner and Tien as an IT specialist. With aging parents to care for, Mike and Tien have been looking for ways to supplement their regular income. Early this year, a friend introduced them to Ambit Energy, a Dallas-based company that uses “network marketing” to sell gas and electric services. As Ambit “independent consultants,” Mike and Tien earn commission for every new customer they recruit–supplementing the paychecks from their full-time jobs and enabling them to chip away at some of their household debt.

Sasha, Omar, Mike, and Tien represent a new breed of American entrepreneur. Despite encompassing multiple ethnicities and three different generations, they have one thing in common. While holding down a traditional job as an employee, each is also exploiting one of the fastest-growing economic phenomena of the 21st century: the sharing economy.

The sharing economy, in simplest terms, is “an economic model in which individuals are able to borrow or rent assets owned by someone else (3).” While there have always been collaborative economies involving shared purchase or use of goods (think coops and thrift stores), what enables the explosive growth of the sharing economy today is the internet. Barriers to sharing (time, space, geography, marketing dollars) are rendered irrelevant in the digital age of free mobile apps that connect people across timezones, cultures, and languages. Of course, we should also mention Freelance marketplaces like Upwork, Work Market, and the like, which are part of this ecosystem but are focused more on services instead of just on assets.

What’s transformational about this trend is the unique access it provides middle-class Americans to entrepreneurship. Most of the American middle-class today, particularly women and people of color, find themselves shut out of entrepreneurship opportunities due to lack of available capital(4). Traditionally, the largest barrier to entry into entrepreneurship for most small business owners is start up capital. What makes the growth of the sharing economy so exciting for many middle income people is the opportunity to leverage existing underutilized assets (e.g., their cars, their homes, their social network) to create incremental wealth for themselves and their families.

Despite the success stories of sharing economy “entrepreneurs” like Sasha, Omar, Mike and Tien, there is a raging national debate over the economic and social impact of sharing economy businesses like Uber, Airbnb, and Ambit. According to Congressional Quarterly, so far in 2015, 23 states have advanced 60 pieces of legislation to restrict short-term rental platforms like Airbnb, while 30 bills regulating ride-sharing companies like Uber have been passed, with another 64 pending(5). In addition to legislative action, dozens of sharing economy startups, including Uber, Lyft, Handy, TaskRabbit, and Instacart, among others, are facing class-action lawsuits challenging their unconventional business practices. One of these, Homejoy, shut down in July following a rash of lawsuits over classification of its workers as independent contractors rather than employees. Others, like Airbnb, face similar class action lawsuits over tax, zoning, or other regulatory concerns(6).

What is at issue in these disputes? Essentially, the very nature of how business is transacted in the U.S. Since the early 20th century, a complex patchwork of federal, state, and local laws and policies have been promulgated to regulate commerce and employment in the industrial and post-industrial era. Many of these, like the Fair Labor Standards Act and portions of the Internal Revenue Code, define things like how businesses must classify workers, who is eligible for overtime, and how wages and benefits are to be taxed. Others, like the Occupational Safety and Health Act and local health and safety codes, ensure that both workers and consumers are guaranteed reasonable protection when working within or patronizing a business.

Few people question the importance of these legislative and regulatory protections. Anyone who has ever received overtime pay for working long hours, stayed at a hotel without bed bugs, or eaten at a restaurant without getting sick can appreciate the value to the American people–and American business–of government regulations ensuring a fair, safe, and healthy commercial system. That said, many of the most impactful laws governing how U.S. companies are permitted to operate have not been seriously reformed since they were passed 60 or 70 years ago–decades before the internet, cell phones, and the explosion of global competition changed the way we all live, work, and play.

A case in point is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which governs everything from the definition of an employee, to how many hours employees can work in a week, to the minimum wage. The FLSA was passed in 1938, a time when the majority of U.S. commerce was driven by manufacturing. Because the law was designed in large part to protect shift workers at factories from exploitation, its provisions reflect the reality of the era in which it was created. While the FLSA has been reformed several times over the years to accommodate societal changes (for example, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 amended the FLSA to provide women protection from pay discrimination), it arguably has not been adequately updated to reflect the realities of 21st century business and consumer behaviors in a largely knowledge-based economy.

In today’s 24/7, always-on world of smart phones that deliver answers to almost any question on any topic instantly and enable many workers to do much, if not all of their work from virtually anywhere(even Starbucks), there are an increasing number of Americans who want more freedom about how, when, and where they work. A September 2015 study by staffing firm Kelly Services found that 75% of workers like Sasha, Omar, Mike, and Tien, who take advantage of “free agent” contractual gigs, “choose this workstyle for the freedom, flexibility, and entrepreneurial empowerment they experience with this independent approach to work and life. This is particularly true for Millennials, the largest generation in U.S. history, who now also make up the largest percentage of the American workforce(8).

What’s more, of the freelance workers in the Kelly report, only 10% said they were “forced” into free agency due to lack of traditional job opportunities; the majority–90% in fact–reported that they chose to be free agents. This finding was replicated in the 2015 MBO Partners report “Independent Workers and the On- Demand Economy,” which found that only 16% of free agents say they chose free agency due to factors out of their control, such as a layoff or “inability to find traditional employment.(9)”

These data belie the arguments underlying much of the legislation and many of the class-action lawsuits driving today’s debate about the impact of the sharing economy. With multiple studies showing that a sizable majority of “free agent” sharing economy workers want to be independent entrepreneurs, free of the strict scheduling requirements, close supervision, and other restrictions of traditional workplaces, there is a real question about whether forcing all workers to conform to the antiquated, inflexible rules circumscribed in 75-year-old laws like the FLSA is good for middle- class Americans–or the American economy.

How big is this emerging national issue? Surprisingly, it’s hard to say. Due to budget cuts, the last time the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) issued definitive data on the size of the “contingent workforce” (i.e., freelance or self-employed workers) in the U.S., was 2006. Nevertheless, the Kelly Services study found that 31% of U.S. workers identified as “free agents,” those who generate at least part of their income as contractors rather than employees. Another 2015 study, the RFS 1099 Report, documented the incidence of freelance work at 34% of the workforce(10), and a 2015 Government Accountability Office (GAO) study estimated the total number to be even higher, at 40% (11). Larry Mishel (who recorded a podcast that will be published soon) wrote an excellent article on this subject titled Despite Freelancers Union/Upwork claim, freelancing is not becoming Americans’ main source of income where he states:

“These disparate estimates can be mostly reconciled by noting that the FU/U [Freelancer’s Union/Upwork] estimate is of anyone “engaged in supplemental, temporary, project- or contract-based work, within the past 12 months” and even includes people who “freelance” but do not have any 1099 income — stretching this group beyond recognition. In contrast, the BLS estimate reflects those whose primary job is or primary income comes from self-employment. Even the BLS estimate stretches the concept of self-employment because it includes people who themselves are employers: only 11.3 million self-employed persons, representing 7.7 percent of total employment, work for themselves and have no paid employees.”

There are several challenges with trying to understand how large this “group” is. First, we don’t have a unified way of describing this group of people, are they freelancers, contingent workers, independent contractors, 1099 workers, something else, or all of the above? The second issue is that there is no consistent way that reporting gets done. Third, oftentimes the way the questions in the surveys are phrased create very over-inflated numbers as Larry noted above. Have you tried driving once for Uber? You’re a freelancer. Have you taken on a single side project on Upwork? You’re a freelancer. Have you tried renting out your apartment once on Airbnb? Guess what, you’re part of the sharing economy and yes, many would consider you to be a freelancer. This is the core of the problem, there is no single source of truth around what or who “this” is.

Jacob regularly researches and speaks with chief human resource officers, chief talent officers, and chief people officers from companies like Cisco, Linkedin, Staples, AARP, Marriott International, and others. All of these executives agree that the freelancer economy is an important trend to watch but that we will by no means see the end of full-time employment in the near future (or freelancers overtaking full time employees).

With approximately one-third of the U.S. workforce engaged in some way (it’s important to note the phrasing here) “free agent” work today (a number estimated by MBO partners to grow to 45% by 2020), it is time to take a serious and comprehensive look at the sharing economy and its implications for America. Today, the debate over sharing economy businesses, and ultimately the fate of many of those businesses, is being decided by special interest turf wars fought at the ballot box, on the floors of state or local legislatures, and in courtrooms across the country. A case in point is the ongoing battle between Airbnb, hotel industry associations, and hotel unions in San Francisco over Airbnb’s right to operate in the city. As of today, nearly $9 million has been spent by both sides of the debate on a ballot measure being put before voters in the November 2015 election(12).

Unfortunately, what’s missing from the San Francisco debate, and debates like it around the country over the impact of the sharing economy on both American workers and businesses, is methodologically sound, comprehensive, impartial data– something the U.S. government is uniquely qualified to provide. To date, the only available data to help policymakers, business owners, and citizens make sound decisions about the impact of sharing economy businesses is frequently produced by special interests with questionable credibility. The best of these private reports, those produced by universities and reputable consulting firms, are often narrow in scope and lack the unimpeachable reliability of government reporting. So far, no government agency has commissioned such reporting. Why not just let this issue play out in the courts or at the ballot box? What’s ultimately at risk is the competitiveness of the U.S. economy. While special interests like class action law firms, employer’s associations, labor unions, and others win battles over sharing economy businesses one-by-one at the polls and in the courts, resulting in a patchwork of conflicting regulations across the country, more agile and unified countries will take the spoils. Already, nations like China are aggressively working to create an advantageous environment for sharing and other start-up technology businesses that hope to compete with American sharing economy businesses like Uber and Airbnb (13)

Can the country that put a man on the moon, generated the greatest number of Nobel laureates in the world, and created Silicon Valley truly not find a way to protect traditional businesses & employees AND foster growth of digital age sharing economy businesses?

We believe it can. But it will take conviction. . . and a single version of the truth that only the U.S. government can provide. Millions of American businesses, as well as scores of state and local governments, rely on federal data every year to make business plans, forecast budgets, and craft policy. From census figures to unemployment statistics to GDP growth, reliable U.S. government data is a critical component of maintaining a vibrant, competitive economy. Because of it, entrepreneurs, investors, legislators, NGOs, and others are able to confidently make decisions and take smart risks that ultimately foster innovation and drive growth within the American economy. What’s sorely missing is similar government data on what may be one of the greatest opportunities for expansion of both the U.S. economy and middle class wealth creation so far this century: the sharing economy.

If the current gridlock spawned by reactive lawsuits and legislation continues unabated, the sharing economy may end up instead representing one of our greatest missed opportunities. Can the country really afford to stifle the promise of this emergent sector and its new breed of entrepreneurs because we are making hasty, knee-jerk decisions based on questionable data? Are we prepared to let other nations steal away future growth inherent in sharing economy solutions originally conceived by American entrepreneurs? We hope not. And neither do the millions of new American entrepreneurs awaiting the opportunity to share their solutions with the world.

Eric Severson is an Appointee at the National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship and the former Co-CHRO & Senior Vice President at Gap Inc.

Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, author, and futurist. To have Jacob speak at your event, see his videos, podcasts and articles, or to subscribe to his newsletter visit TheFutureOrganization.

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1 Sasha, Omar, Mike, and Tien are real California residents and participants in the sharing economy. Their names have been changed to protect their privacy.

2Paragon Real Estate Group, October 2015 “San Francisco Realty Report,” October 2015.

4 Michael S. Barr, “Minority and Women Entrepreneurs: Building Capital, Networks, and Skills,” The Hamilton Project, March 2015.

5 Aaron Martin, “State Legislatures and the Sharing Economy,” CQ Roll Call, March 15, 2015.

6 Harvard Kennedy School, Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, “Uber, Airbnb and Consequences of the Sharing Economy: Research Roundup,” Journalist’s Resource, October 19, 2015. (7) Teresa Carroll, “Agents of Change: Independent Workers Are Reshaping the Workforce,” Kelly Services, September 2015.

8 Chris Matthews, “Millennials Have Taken Over the American Workforce,” Fortune, May 11, 2015.

9 MBO Partners, Inc., “Independent Workers and the On-Demand Economy,”, 2015.

10 Jennifer Rossa, “‘On-Demand’ Workers Are Supplementing Their Incomes, Not Living Off Their Jobs,” Bloomberg Brief, June 15, 2015.

11 “Contingent Workforce: Size, Characteristics, Earnings, and Benefits (GAO-15–168R),” U.S. Government Accountability Office, April 20, 2015.

12 Ericka Cruz Guevarra, “How San Francisco’s Prop. F Would Change Airbnb Rentals,” KQED online, October 6, 2015.

13 Chris Russell, “Where is China’s Silicon Valley?” China Embraces The Sharing Economy, CKGSB Knowledge, Winter 2014.



Jacob Morgan
Jacob Morgan

4x Best-Selling Author, Speaker, & Futurist. Founder of Exploring Leadership, Employee Experience, & The Future of Work