You Don’t Need Fancy Perks to Be a Best Place to Work

Jacob Morgan
Jacob Morgan
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2016

Does a 99% CEO approval rating at a large, international company sound too good to be true? For some companies it might just be a dream, but for F5 Networks, it’s an everyday reality and one of the reasons the organization made it in the #4 spot on Glassdoor’s list of the best big companies to work for in 2014.

What makes F5 such a desirable place to work? According to Director of Staffing Rich James, it comes down to hiring the right people and giving them a supportive work environment. F5 can serve as an example in many aspects, but here are five of the biggest takeaways from this standout organization:

  1. Focus on values. F5 has seven values it mixes into every aspect of the company. The values include customer loyalty, innovation, integrity, employee success, excellence, profitable growth, and collaboration. At F5, these words are just put on a poster on the wall, they are an integral part of every aspect of the organization. F5 uses its values to drive it towards its goals and to serve as a reminder for what the company wants to stand for and achieve.
  2. Create an open and transparent system. Honesty and transparency is key. F5 has worked to build an open system throughout the company, especially with upper-level management. The CEO regularly holds company-wide meetings to discuss candidly how the company is doing and the objectives it is trying to reach.
  3. Communication is essential. Even as the company has surpassed 4,000 employees around the globe, F5 still aims to operate like a start-up, which includes communicating with employees and helping them feel like they can be heard and make a difference within the organization. F5 does this through a variety of tactics, including regular employee surveys. And beyond just asking the questions, management works to actually listen to responses and implement changes that will help employees. The goal is that even as the company grows and more bureaucracy comes out of necessity, each employee can still feel valued and listened to.
  4. Work with good people. At the core of creating a workplace where people want to be is giving them a strong network and support system. F5 hires and retains many of the top engineers and developers because employees are excited about the challenges they get to tackle. The company gives the power to the employees to tackle these problems, which empowers them and gives them a worthwhile challenge. The open environment of mentoring and collaboration encourages working with and learning from others. When you’re surrounded by passionate people, it creates an atmosphere of enthusiasm and happiness.
  5. Recognition and awards are key. Part of the reason employees are so happy working at F5 is that they have lots of opportunities to collaborate and recognize their peers. The company runs multiple recognition programs, most of which stem from employees nominating co-workers that exemplify one of the organization’s values. Recognition includes a spot of the wall of fame, participation in a newsletter and program, and for 100 of the top employees each year, a luxury trip for them and a guest.

What makes these programs so successful in boosting performance, collaboration, and morale is that they come from co-workers who want to acknowledge a job well done.

There are a number of reasons F5 has won so many awards not only for the products it creates, but also for the workplace it facilitates. By learning from the example of one of the best organizations, companies in any industry can create a strong workplace of the future.

Jacob Morgan is a speaker, author and cofounder of The Future of Work Community. Subscribe to his newsletter or visit TheFutureOrganization.



Jacob Morgan
Jacob Morgan

4x Best-Selling Author, Speaker, & Futurist. Founder of Exploring Leadership, Employee Experience, & The Future of Work