30 Day Challenge. The Beginning

Jacob John Aguon
2 min readOct 31, 2019

I have new goal, which is to write every day. I feel like my mind races with new ideas all the time and I never take the time to write them down. So here’s to having goals, and to writing down ideas.⁣

So here’s apart of the reason why. A few years ago I read a Medium article and it talked about how my generation, millennials, had a hard time finishing things. It said that we were all wrapped up in instant gratification, taking the easy routes, only reading headlines, and never following through. The article actually challenged any millennial who was reading it to finish the whole 5–7min article (Medium gives you an estimate of how long an article would take to read) from beginning to end without stopping, skimming, changing screens, or getting distracted. ⁣

I remember this moment specifically because I was finishing my lunch and had to get back to my desk. So, I failed. But I made it a point to go back to my desk, and finish reading the article. Which I did, and it actually felt amazing. The article was right. I couldn’t tell you the last time I didn’t skim through an article, or just get the gist, assume I knew the rest of it, and move on. ⁣

After reading the article it led me to finish other things that I had pending in my long list of stuff that needed to be done. ⁣

One of those things was to finish a book called, “Taking our Places” by Norman Fischer, which I highly recommend to anyone trying to figure out this “Adulting” thing. Finishing this book cover to cover changed my life.⁣

I also got into the habit of running and trained for my first 10k, which I also completed.⁣

Now I’m setting a goal of 30 days of meaningful, thoughtful posts and hoping that the habit sticks. I want to become a better writer, sharer of ideas and mindsets, and story teller. First, I need to meet the goal of finishing 30 days and see where that might take me. ⁣

Also, I’m open to any feedback and direction! Thanks for reading :)⁣

