Continuous learning

Jacopo MartoIini
Jacopo Martolini
Published in
Nov 21, 2015


It’s difficult to think about a topic that could not be learned by resources available online.
The possibility to access to these resources in every moment, and manage the path by our own pace it’s fundamental and distinguishing element from expensive courses taught in person. But, the fact that we haven’t encountered an increment in our learning capacity yet, proves that the availability of resources is a necessary component but not sufficient condition.

Learning new activities require, on top of quality, an organization of contents. I know that I know nothing and that’s why I could benefit from the guidance of someone that has already done that path and can chop into chunks and feed me knowledge and rewards for my achievements.
I immediately think to Treehouse Tracks, addressed to the study of a particular topic but at the same time able to convey a variety of skills, in order to give the user the ability to address a broader range of problems.

Bipolar learning graph

We have to deal with an ever shortening attention span and a demanding market of mastery in new skills. Technology alone can’t replace our lack of discipline, but, we can let it be our trainer, understand our limits and maintain us in the very satisfied feeling of learning.

