Cake Browser Usability Testing

Jae Yu
Jae Yu


Duration of project-3 weeks
Cake’s website

Internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and others were first designed for a desktop experience and later shrunk down to a mobile experience. Cake is a mobile experience first browser that utilizes swiping gestures. Cake also improves the experience by loading results first rather than giving a list of results.

Pre-loaded results and swipe for next result feature.

My team was tasked with comparing load speeds of Cake versus other popular mobile browsers. We also tested to understand user preference between Cake and the others to see what features they preferred and what they didn’t.

General Usability Test Protocol

Before starting your test:

  • Find somewhere without distractions and isolated.
  • Uninstall / reinstall Cake between each test.
  • Randomize your test order (task and browser order), so you know which tests come first
  • Get survey up and ready on your computer
  • Sign consent form
  • Should be between 10–15 minutes

Friendly Welcome

  • Explanation of the study, what we hope to find, who we’re working with for this study.
  • “We are testing different browsers and seeing how they compare. A local company has developed a browser named Cake, and we’d like to see how it compares.”


  • “We are in no way testing you or your competency, we are testing the browsers.” (something to that effect….)
  • You can choose to discontinue at any time
  • Would you be willing to have this recording viewed by company members? (Name and personal information will not be divulged)

Cake Instructions

  • Give brief onboarding for Cake app and functionality.
  • Explain shopping, news, and other search option functionality
  • Give them time to get acquainted with Cake. Let them search something on their own.

Quick Debrief / Follow Up Questions / Final Interview

  • What did you like about Cake?
  • What did you not like about Cake?
  • Was there something that you felt was easier on cake?
  • Was there anything you wanted to try on cake that our tasks didn’t have you do?
  • Thank the person for their time! :D

Tasks Questions

Tested to see how and if they would use these buttons to utilize when searching

Trivia — Movies

  • Top grossing movie U.S. of 1995
  • Answer: Toy Story
  • Top grossing movie worldwide in 2002
  • Answer: Lord of the Rings


  • Find Mammut backpack under $100
  • Find new dakine backpack under $40


  • Find the most recent video uploaded by ThePianoGuys.
  • Answer: The sweetest gift- If you’re missing someone this Christmas this song’s dedicated to you — The Piano Guys ft Craig Aven
  • Find the most recent video uploaded by DevinSuperTramp.
  • Answer: Bouncy House sledding down mountain


  • Why has there been a spike in phone calls to poison control recently?
  • Tide Pod Challenge
  • What is the diamond recently discovered in Lesotho worth?
  • $40 million


After testing load speeds and usability we have concluded that many users were faster at searching and getting the answers on their native mobile browser. Many have appreciated the pre-loading and swiping feature of the app.

Here is the recorded and synthesized data (pivot tables tab).

