May 2018 Newsletter

Juraci Paixão Kröhling
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018

May was a busy month for us! We have a new version for the server components, 117 PRs opened across all our repositories and 63 closed issues.

Beyond OpenTracing by Allison Richardet, Asteris, LLC

Jaeger Project Updates

We have a new release this month: v1.5.0. It ships with the ability to adjust static sampling probabilities per operation, better metric names and a new CLI option to limit the number of traces stored by the in-memory storage, as well as a health-check endpoint for our standalone binary, by first-time contributor Eundoo Song (@eundoosong). Thanks!

Thanks to hard work by Benjamin Krämer (@Falco20019) and Christian Weiss (@cwe1ss), Jaeger now has an official client for C# and .NET that has full feature parity with the Java client.

And just as the month was closing, Jaeger has been selected as the default tracing backend for Istio as of v0.8.0 when installing via Helm. Check it out by passing --set tracing.enabled=true!

Content from the Community

Beyond OpenTracing • Allison Richardet

A cluster is a busy place, and lots can happen. Microservices, containers, polygot persistence, schedulers, and so on have enabled organizations to rapidly deploy a variety of applications. We can get up and running quickly, but then progress halts if we can’t understand our system. In order to keep moving forward, we need to enforce structure in the right places, while not constraining the benefits of microservices. Just as event sourcing can help us structure communication among services, an evolvable grammar can structure our measurements to enable powerful insights and analytics. This grammar can help us increase cardinality in our logging and allow more tools to provide insight into what is going on. In this talk, we will walk through how to use logging, OpenTracing, and grammar to improve event collection for later analysis.

Session recording:

CloudNativeCon+KubeCon EU 2018 How We Used Jaeger and Prometheus to Deliver Lightning-Fast User Queries by Bryan Boreham

This talk comes from practical experience of running a cloud-based SAAS under Kubernetes for the last two years. Prometheus is good for the big picture view of how things are running, while Jaeger acts like a microscope on the internal workings of your system.

You will learn about:
* Setting up Jaeger and Prometheus in your Kubernetes cluster
* Inspecting Jaeger and Prometheus output for tell-tale signs of trouble
* Instrumenting your code (with examples in Go) for more detail
* Applying the information gained to optimise your code and tune your system

Session Recording:

CloudNativeCon+KubeCon EU 2018 Jaeger Project Intro by Juraci Paixão Kröhling

This talk is a brief introduction to the Jaeger project, including which problems it aims to solve and what’s the relationship with the OpenTracing project.

Session Recording:

CloudNativeCon+KubeCon EU 2018 Jaeger Deep Dive by Juraci Paixão Kröhling

This talk gives you more details about the inner workings of Jaeger, including an overview of the components, how they work together and how to deploy them.

Session Recording:

Ways to Engage

June 12–15, DockerCon, San Francisco, CA

  • Wednesday, Jun 13 • 3:30 PM — 6:00 PM • Cloud Native Projects SIG, lightning talks on OpenTracing and Jaeger by Priyanka, Ted, and Yuri.

June 18–20, Developer Week, New York, NY

July 16–19, O’Reilly’s OSCON, Portland OR

We Would Love to Hear From You

Want to share a Jaeger-related update in the newsletter? Email us at or drop by the chat room. We’d also love feedback as always, so don’t hesitate to drop us a line!

And feel free to join our bi-weekly video calls.

— The Jaeger Team



Juraci Paixão Kröhling

Juraci Paixão Kröhling is a software engineer at Grafana Labs, a maintainer on the Jaeger project, and a contributor to the OpenTelemetry project.