Eliminate Negativity From Your Life — Jag Chima

Jag Chima — The Fitness Entrepreneur
Jag Chima
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2019

I come across people from all walks of life each day. I am quite fortunate, I learn from them all.⁣

I learn from the positive people who further inspire me on how to become a better human and equally from the negative minds who remind me of the type of human I do not want to be.⁣

I choose who I want to be around and the type of people I want in my circle.⁣

Some of the ones to avoid are: ⁣
People who talk more than they take action.⁣

People who are obsessed with insecurities and always feeling threatened about the progress of others.⁣

People who are not loyal to their own (they’ll never be loyal to you). ⁣

People who think they know it all.⁣

People who have hidden objectives.⁣

And people who continuously talk negatively about others.⁣

In summary, the ones who have no direction in life. They will drain your energy.⁣

I am proud of the circle I have, they all possess the best qualities one can ask for. Loyalty, always ready for action and always pushing each other to do better.⁣

There are things money can’t buy which I own. My circle posses these, they’re earned not given.⁣

You May have heard the quote: ‘I want to see my whole team winning’. That’s exactly what I want. If they win we all win.⁣

So here my Sunday thought: Eliminate negativity from your life. It takes just a second to make the choice and change everything.⁣

I do it regularly and it works. Try it. The time is now.⁣

— Jag Chima



Jag Chima — The Fitness Entrepreneur
Jag Chima

Jag Chima is a an entrepreneur, investor, visionary, health and fitness enthusiast and philanthropist.