Failure is Only Final when You Give Up — Jag Chima

Jag Chima — The Fitness Entrepreneur
Jag Chima
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2019

Failure is only final when you give up and remember you have already failed if you don’t start.⁣⁣
If you are not where you should be, use this as motivation and take action. It works — Fact!⁣⁣
Common excuses I hear all the time include: ‘it’s too late’ or ‘I’m too old to start now’ and ‘I don’t have the resources’.⁣⁣

If you look back in history, some of the most successful entrepreneurs, sports people, athletes, and many scientists started quite late in their life. They failed many times but didn’t give up, they became very successful and created history.⁣⁣
Most of these success stories were not built on the foundation of lots of resources. Most had a lack of resource and the luxuries we have today.⁣⁣
Internet, social media and other networks were not available to all.⁣⁣
You don’t have to go back too far in time to realize.⁣⁣
So before you blame something or someone and use this as an excuse for not being able to take action towards your goals or for failing to reach your goals, think again.⁣⁣
Start by thinking of the less fortunate and be thankful for what you have. This will always give you more confidence and a powerful start.⁣⁣
Don’t compare your journey with that of other people. It won’t get you anywhere. Focus on your own story.⁣⁣
If your goals are important to you, write them down and also write down why they are important.⁣⁣
When you feel like giving up, read what you wrote because if the reasons are genuinely important to you, you’ll find the motivation needed to keep going.⁣⁣
Very simple but effective, it works for me and can work for you.⁣⁣
You just have to believe. Then you will achieve.⁣⁣
- Jag Chima⁣⁣



Jag Chima — The Fitness Entrepreneur
Jag Chima

Jag Chima is a an entrepreneur, investor, visionary, health and fitness enthusiast and philanthropist.