Priories change as life goes on — Jag Chima

Jag Chima — The Fitness Entrepreneur
Jag Chima
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2019

This year has been quite a productive one so far as I set many more personal development goals than the last and made these a priority.⁣

The truth is that sometimes we can become so busy with work we can sometimes forget to realign and revisit the order of priorities we follow.⁣

Priories change as life goes on. For example, what was a number one priority for me 10 years ago is not the same today, and each year as we become wiser we realize that order needs to change.⁣

Switching off has been a huge weakness for me for many years. However, subconsciously I have worked on this over the last year or so.⁣

This year I made it an even bigger priority.⁣

Taking care of the most important component of your life i.e. your mind will be the foundation for longevity.⁣

People use the phrase ‘think outside the box’ ⁣

I say get rid of the box altogether.⁣

The last two days have been amazing.⁣

In just two days I’ve managed to boost my mental performance.⁣

Better sleep, more productivity, more focus, more personal development and time spent with some of the important people in my life are just a few things I achieved over this weekend.⁣

This is a direct result of the choices I made.⁣

Simple choices. First I distance myself from as much negativity as possible. Second I spend more time with people who force me to level up.⁣

So if you’re not as productive as you’d like to be, evaluate the people and things you spend the most amount of time on. ⁣

Just a few small decisions may change everything.⁣



Jag Chima — The Fitness Entrepreneur
Jag Chima

Jag Chima is a an entrepreneur, investor, visionary, health and fitness enthusiast and philanthropist.