Embracing Christmas Traditions Across International Jagaad Team

Jagaad Software House
JAGAAD Digital Solutions
7 min readDec 18, 2023

At Jagaad, as a fully remote company, our team spans the globe, bringing together individuals from various corners of the world, each with their unique backgrounds, cultures, and traditions. It’s pretty cool because we get to learn from each other and celebrate all the cool stuff that makes us who we are.

With Christmas around the corner, we thought it’d be awesome to share how some of our Jagaaders celebrate this special time of the year. We’ve got colleagues from different countries, and everyone has their own way of doing things during Christmas. So, get ready to hear some fun stories and discover the unique traditions that make our holiday season extra special here at Jagaad.


Our Frontend Software Engineer, Antonio, gave us insights into the traditions celebrated in Italy.

Christmas is a cherished time marked by rich traditions that reflect the country’s cultural and culinary heritage.

One distinctive Italian Christmas custom is the “Presepe” or nativity scene, which holds great cultural significance. Italians often create elaborate nativity scenes that go beyond the typical figures of Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus, incorporating various characters and depictions of daily life. These scenes are displayed in homes, churches, and public spaces, emphasizing the importance of the nativity in Italian Christmas celebrations.


The culinary delights of an Italian Christmas are a highlight of the festivities. Traditional dishes include “Panettone” dessert, a sweet bread studded with candied fruits and raisins, and “Pandoro,” a golden, star-shaped cake dusted with powdered sugar. Additionally, each region typically boasts one or more unique Christmas desserts, showcasing the diversity of Italian culinary traditions.

Christmas decorations in Italy often consists candles, lights, and ornaments adorn homes, and festive markets offer a variety of handmade crafts.

Christmas decorations

Christmas Eve, known as “La Vigilia,” is a significant celebration in Italy. Families gather for a lavish dinner featuring an array of fish dishes. Midnight Mass, or “La Messa di Mezzanotte,” is a solemn and spiritual tradition. On Christmas Day, families continue their festivities with a festive meal, exchanging gifts, and spending quality time together.

In essence, Italian Christmas traditions are a delightful blend of religious customs, culinary excellence, and heartfelt family celebrations, creating a festive atmosphere that is uniquely Italian.


Nidhi, our HR Specialist, from India illuminated us with the vibrant traditions of her motherland.

Christmas is a joyous and colorful celebration that varies across regions, yet shares a common thread of festivity and goodwill. Families and friends come together to attend church services, decorate their homes with lights and ornaments, and exchange heartfelt gifts. The festive spirit extends to special meals, and in some areas, the air is filled with the excitement of Christmas markets and events.

Unique to India, Christmas celebrations often blend Western traditions with local customs. Christmas trees are adorned, gifts exchanged, and midnight Mass is attended by many. A delightful fusion of Indian sweets may find its way into festive treats, and the sound of Indian music can harmonize with classic Christmas carols, creating a wonderful cultural amalgamation.

Christmas celebration

The culinary delights of Indian Christmas include spicy chicken curry, biryani, kebabs, and a variety of sweets such as gulab jamun and jalebi. Fruitcakes, plum cakes, and savory snacks like samosas and pakoras add to the festive spread, reflecting regional traditions and personal tastes.

Special Christmas decorations in India include vibrant lights, ornaments, and the iconic “Christmas star,” symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem. This star, often hung outside homes, adds a distinctive touch to the festive atmosphere. Additionally, Indians infuse their cultural heritage into decorations, incorporating traditional fabrics and crafts.

Christmas Eve in India is marked by midnight Mass attendance and the exchange of gifts, while Christmas Day sees families decorating trees and homes, enjoying festive meals, and participating in acts of charity. Regardless of regional variations, the overarching theme is one of togetherness and celebration, as Indians share the joy of the season with loved ones and those in need.

Christmas decorations


Maria, our QA Engineer, filled us in on the festive Christmas traditions of her country.

The majority of the population adheres to the Eastern Orthodox Christian faith, so Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.

In Belarus, the festive season extends beyond Christmas Day, with a unique celebration sequence that often begins with a grand New Year’s Eve gathering. New Year’s Eve is a time when families and friends come together to enjoy a festive food, exchange gifts, play games, sing songs, and dance. The evening culminates with the mesmerizing display of fireworks.

New Year Eve fireworks

Among the many cherished traditions in Belarus, one of my favorites involves making a wish as the countdown to the New Year begins. At precisely 12 seconds before midnight, we write our heartfelt wishes on small pieces of paper, set them ablaze, and gently place them in a glass of champagne. As the clock strikes midnight, we raise our glasses and joyfully drink the champagne, symbolizing the hope that our wishes will come true in the coming year.

Following the excitement of New Year’s Eve, Belarusians continue their celebrations with a special Christmas breakfast or lunch, typically enjoyed in the company of extended family.

One unique Christmas tradition is the Kalyady, a group of costumed performers who visit homes, sing carols, and bring good wishes to households. These colorful processions are believed to bring prosperity and ward off evil spirits.

“Kalyady” celebration

This dual celebration — ushering in the New Year with grandeur and then savoring the spirit of Christmas with loved ones — reflects the importance of family and togetherness in Belarusian culture. It’s a time when the joy of the season extends beyond a single day, creating lasting memories and reinforcing the bonds that make the holiday season truly special in Belarus.


Michelle, our Project Manager, enthusiastically shared the traditions of Colombia.

Christmas is a vibrant celebration filled with unique traditions and joyful gatherings. On the 24th of December, families come together to pray and share a festive meal, featuring turkey and wine. The night comes alive with music and dancing, creating a lively and spirited atmosphere.

The following day, children eagerly unwrap the gifts brought by “Papa Noel” or “El Niño Dios” and head outside to play with their new treasures. Some neighborhoods close small streets to ensure safe play for the children. Meanwhile, adults prepare “sancocho,” a hearty soup with potatoes, meat, and vegetables, fostering a sense of community as it is shared with everyone.

Christmas mood

A distinctive Colombian Christmas custom is the “novena,” observed during the nine days leading up to Christmas. Communities come together for prayer, remembrance of the days before Jesus’ birth, and festive singing by the children. Those who attend all nine days receive a small gift on the 24th.

Traditional Colombian Christmas foods include the sweet dessert “Natilla,” similar to caramel flan, and the fried dough treat known as “Buñuelo.” Alongside the turkey, “tamales” — corn or rice dough stuffed with a variety of ingredients — add a flavorful touch to the holiday feast.

“Natilla” dessert

Cultural decorations include the lighting of candles for Jesus or the Virgin Mary, symbolizing prayers and wishes. Additionally, the air is filled with the sounds of “villancicos,” Spanish Christmas songs that every child knows, as well as festive tunes in the salsa and vallenato genres.

On Christmas Day, Colombians don elegant attire, gather outside to enjoy music, marvel at fireworks, and engage in friendly conversations with neighbors. This festive blend of traditions creates a unique and joyous atmosphere, making Colombian Christmas celebrations truly special.

Even though we each have our own special ways of celebrating, there’s something that brings us all together — our belief in the magic of Christmas. Whether we’re enjoying different traditions or desserts, the most important thing is the joy we share and the feeling of togetherness during this festive season. As Jagaaders from all over the world, our belief in the Christmas miracle is what makes our celebration extra special.

