The Road to Infinity War

The right way to binge the MCU.

Akhil Sudhakaran
Just Another Geeky Blog
8 min readMar 2, 2018


So earlier today, Marvel Studios had moved the release date of the most anticipated of Marvel superhero films, the ultimate crossover movie, Avengers: Infinity War to APRIL 🙌 🙌 !!!!!! A month EARLY !!!!!! The first movie to have all the characters that Marvel studios had taken 10 years to create into one movie, with paths of different characters that would cross in ways one can never possibly imagine!!!!

Since the day of release is nearing, it is always better to re-watch the whole of the MCU starting from the first Iron man (2008) all the way down to the Black Panther (2018). Here is my guide to catch up with the MCU the right way…

1. Iron Man (2008)

Who would’ve known back in 2008 that the first Iron man would propel Marvel towards creating a cinematic universe with a rich story and action that fulfilled every comic book nerd in the planet. This movie was the origin story of Tony Stark as the Iron man.The movie had all the elements of a proper origin story and had laid solid ground work for the rest of the movies to come.

“I do anything and everything Mr. Stark asks of me. Which includes, from time to time, taking out the trash. Will that be all?” — Pepper Potts.

2. The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Although not an origin story, this movie had enough SMASH to watch the mean green killing machine in action. It had a few scenes that tied this movie into the first iron man movie which had given fans an idea of how separate comic book heroes can be connected into one universe, which made this movie crucial in it’s own way.

“HULK SMASH!” — Bruce Banner.

3. Iron Man 2 (2010)

The second installment to the Iron Man. Set after the events of the first movie, it introduces us to the Avengers initiative. This was key since it was the first movie to confirm the possibility of a super hero mash-up. Although the movie had a forgettable villain, it had managed to fill this void with great action set pieces and a tease for the Thor movie.

“I already told you, I don’t wanna join your Super Secret Boy Band.” — Tony Stark.

4. Thor (2011)

The origin story of the God of Thunder, son of Odin, heir to the throne of Asgard. This movie was good in it’s own way. We are introduced to beings from different realms in space and Thor’s interest towards Earth which plays a pivotal role in the future movies.

“Your ancestors called it magic, but you call it science. I come from a land where they are one and the same.” — Thor.

5. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Captain America: The First Avenger, is a movie that is set during the time of the World War 2 (1942). The movie introduces us to the world’s first Super human/hero Steve Rogers (aka Captain America) and one of the most powerful artifacts used for harm called the Tesseract(an Infinity Stone). The story gives us a sneak peak into the creation of the present day Strategic Homeland Intervention and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D) which plays an important role during the first Avengers movie.

“Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows… compassion.” — Dr. Abraham Erskine.

6. The Avengers (2012)

The super hero movie that all were waiting for, the one that smashed all the box office records at the time, the Avengers had brought all the heroes previously established into one amazing flick. This movie was a visual treat with jaw dropping action scenes and a great story that cemented the future of the MCU.

“Uh, Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?” — Tony Stark.

7. Iron Man 3 (2013)

The third installment to the Iron Man series takes place right after the events of the Avengers. The movie where Iron man was pushed to the limit, this story shows the transformation of Tony Stark from the arrogant individual to the loving and caring person he becomes due to the emotional events of this movie.

“True story about fortune cookies: they look Chinese, they sound Chinese, but they’re actually an American invention. which is why they’re hollow, full of lies and leave a bad taste in the mouth.” — The Mandarin.

8. Thor the Dark World (2013)

The second installment to the Thor movies. This movie focused on the second infinity gem called the Aether. The story takes place during the time when all the nine realms converge where the Dark Elf Malekith wishes to unleash the Aether as a weapon of mass destruction.

“Let’s have a delightful chat about patriotism, and justice, and freedom! God bless America!” — Loki (Dressed as Captain America).

9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

The second installment of the captain America movie and one of my favorite Marvel movies. This movie has a great too many twists and gripping action sequences cherry topped with an amazing villain. This movie would easily make you a Captain America fan and make you root for him in Civil War.

“Was I really your first kiss since 1945?” — Natasha Romanoff.

10. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

The second Avengers movie that revolves around another Infinity stone called the mind stone and the events that led to it’s discovery all the way to the realization of it’s power. The movie is filled with great dialogue and also introduces us to a new member to the Avengers called Vision.

“The city is flying and we’re fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. Nothing makes sense.” — Clint Barton.

11. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

An isolated movie that takes place in outer space, a story of a human kidnapped and taken to outer space by a space Ravager named Yondu, and his journey to becoming Star Lord and creating the super-hero group called the Guardians of the Galaxy. This movie also introduces us to another infinity stone called as the Orb (Power stone). Filled with A class music and hilarious quotes, it makes this movie a masterpiece on it’s own.

“No! I know what you’re trying to do, Star-Lord! And I am not going to succumb to your… pelvic sorcery!” — Gamora.

12. Guardians of the Galaxy (2017)

The second installment to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, takes place exactly 3 months from the first one. The story revolves around the mysteries of Star Lord’s father and what makes Star Lord special enough to wield an infinity stone.

“He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy.” — Yondu.

13. Ant-Man (2015)

The origin story of the Scott Lang as Ant-Man, the one with the powers of shrinking to something as small as an ant and control armies of real ants, how much cooler can it get???

“I say this as your the first love of your life, your fiancé is an asshat!” — Scott Lang.

14. Captain America: Civil War (2016)

The third installment of the Captain America movies. The movie takes place after the events of Ant-man, where all heroes are forced to sign something called as the Sokovia Accords, where a hero must turn over personal details of their alter ego to the Government in-order to legally be a super hero. This leads to a difference of opinion among the heroes and leads to conflict. We are also introduced to new heroes, the Black Panther and the Spider-man.

“Congratulations Cap, you’re a criminal.” — James Rhodes.

15. Doctor Strange (2016)

The story of the school of magic called Kamar-Taj and the origin story of the mightiest sorcerer of Earth, Stephen Strange. The movie sheds light on the world of Magic and sorcery in the MCU. It gives us the glimpse of the most powerful super-hero of all time and also shows us the powers of another Infinity stone called the Eye of Agomotto.

“You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You’ve spent your life trying to widen it. Your work saved the lives of thousands. What if I told you that reality is one of many?” — The Ancient One

16. Spider-Man Homecoming (2017)

The story of our friendly neighborhood spiderman. The movie takes place post Civil War and shows us the growth of Peter Parker from an immature teenage boy into a responsible superhero. This movie shows how friendship, love and dedication truly defines you.

“Wait a minute… You guys aren’t the real Avengers! I can tell Hulk gives it away.” — Peter Parker.

17. Thor Ragnarok (2017)


“It sounds like you had a pretty special and intimate relationship with this hammer and that losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one.” — Korg

18. Black Panther (2018)

Finally… The movie right before the Infinity war… The story of the great king T’Challa the Black Panther. The story introduces us to the advanced civilization of Wakanda and gives us an insight into African traditions. Filled with an Amazing cast and great acting with jawdropping visual set pieces along with an unforgettable villain makes this movie as one of the best origin story of any superhero in the MCU. WAKANDA FOREVER!!!!

“Hey auntie” — Eric Killmonger

That’s about it guys… Have fun binging all these movies… See y’all on April 27th :)



Akhil Sudhakaran
Just Another Geeky Blog