Explore the Disco Diffusion 5.6 Floral diffusion

Valadi K Jaganathan


The main link to the notebook which runs on Disco Google colab which can be run on any account with G colab. Github link for same.

Recently I created a new version forked from the main to make a derivative called floral diffusion which was done using a unique curated 10 K image dataset and trained for some 50K plus steps.

Link for the same is here : Floral Diffusion . You can open same in a Google colab as a notebook to run your text prompts based on a flower theme to generate some cool floral art or painting or composition.

Here is a cool link — Get Started With Disco Diffusion - to get you running with Google colab to generate your images.

A free open source software (FOSS) that recently gained popularity is ‘Disco Diffusion’, a CLIP-Guided Diffusion model that can be used to convert text-to-image using a compilation of words called ‘prompts’, and having it search CLIP to interpret the images. The latest version (v5.6) comes with an additional feature of portraits, water colors, pulp sci-fi, pixel art and floral diffusion models.

