Jah Khyle Howard
Jah on Purpose
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2022


As a conscious thinking being, I use my God-given right of choice to choose the experiences in life I want

I know that my actions always follow thoughts. Since I am responsible for my thoughts, I am more responsible for my actions. If I lack the ability of proper thought, it is no excuse for my actions. Therefore, the results of my thinking and acting are of my choosing and I accept full responsibility for my results.

My results are always an indication of my thoughts and actions. If I don’t like my results, I simply need to change my mind and act accordingly.

My intention in life is to be — whole, perfect, strong, powerful, love, disciplined, harmonious, happy, abundant, and beautiful. And, I consciously choose to BE a person who embodies those characteristics.

As I walk this journey through life, I will honor other BE-ings as I honor myself. As it is also my intention to never harm another BE-ing, I understand that my choices may be misunderstood and perceived as harmful. For that reason, I will always seek to understand others’ actions toward me.

My gift to the world is ME activated by I AM. My character is how I extend my light and vibration to experience the world. My job here is to find an enjoyable game to play.

Through playing this game, I discover what my purpose is. Part of that purpose is to play with you in a sense of unconditional love and harmony. I honor your God-given right to choose your experience and expression. I also expect you to honor mine. As we play, I intend to help you discover your purpose, your gift to us.

Should we disagree to play harmoniously together, let us part ways with mutual respect and honor each other’s light.

Be mindful of The Oath as you move about your day.

That’s It! Now get out there and show the world how awesome you are!

Live More, Laugh More, Love More, and Be a Blessing to Someone Else!



Jah on Purpose
Jah on Purpose

Published in Jah on Purpose

Offering you ideas that will turn you into a success-building, purpose-focused powerhouse.

Jah Khyle Howard
Jah Khyle Howard

Written by Jah Khyle Howard

We all have a unique purpose in life. I help you figure out what that purpose is. Go here:

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