apple on SoBe

Robert Murray
Published in
1 min readJul 7, 2006
Apple Logo

The cover is finally off the building. Today the Apple logo was finally revealed atop what will be the new Apple Store on Lincoln Road in South Beach.

I personally can’t wait for this. Being a SoBe resident, this means that I no longer have to go to Aventura or even worse, the Falls to get any one of my 4 macs fixed, or to purchase a new one (which I plan to do soon).
They have had rumors about this store for over a year now, and it’s finally good to know that it’s almost here. And the best part, it’s right across the street from one of the 7 (soon to be 8) Starbucks on SoBe.

Don’t you just love corporate America?



Robert Murray
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Software Engineer (Seeking Opportunities). React. React Native. NodeJS. GraphQL. Swift. iOS. Student of Political Communication. Technologist. Humanist.