I don’t feel lonely, when I’m alone. My loneliness only exists in the presence of others. Perhaps it’s their presence that triggers my loneliness. Perhaps it’s because their presence doesn’t fulfill my needs. Or doesn’t meet my requirements in some way. Or maybe it’s because my presence doesn’t fulfill theirs. Either way, loneliness is not a feeling I’m fond of. It’s not very comforting to my soul, to my intellect, to my heart.
I love solitude. Solitude is a great friend of mine. I’ve always enjoyed being alone. I’ve always enjoyed having a solitary existence, even in the presence of others. I love being in a crowded room and never saying a word to anyone. Even when the party is going on around me. But loneliness is very different. Almost scary. Especially when there is someone around who is cuddles with you, yet feels lonely too. Obviously, affection is not the solution for loneliness.