Neeeed Sleep

Robert Murray
Published in
1 min readMay 16, 2006

I’ve been at work now for 19 hours now. I’ve gotta stop doing this shit. It’s not cool. I know I’m behind on work and customers expect shit to be done on time, but hello, I need some fucking sleep. All I have been doing is work for the last 3 weeks. This shit is getting really old. 40 hours before wednesday when you work week starts on monday is not a cool idea. I can’t do this shit again tomorrow (but more than likely, I probably will).

Work sucks when it’s your own… but its so much more satisfying than working for someone you hate (not that I don’t hate myself right now for making me work for 19 hours.)



Robert Murray
Editor for

Software Engineer (Seeking Opportunities). React. React Native. NodeJS. GraphQL. Swift. iOS. Student of Political Communication. Technologist. Humanist.