The final evil.

Robert Murray
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2007

The jar has been opened.
The final evil has escaped.
My curiosity has gotten the best of me.

Will I die like the cat?
Or has my torment has finally ended.
Perhaps my life can finally start… anew.

I’m not good at telling lies.
It’s not becoming of me.
I thrive best in a truthful environment.

Sometimes the truth hurts.
And sometimes it takes all your pain away.
Sometimes both!

I give in.
To being me.
And not pretending.

I give in.
To the possibilities.
To the probabilities.
To finding my own truth.

I give in.
To life.



Robert Murray
Editor for

Software Engineer (Seeking Opportunities). React. React Native. NodeJS. GraphQL. Swift. iOS. Student of Political Communication. Technologist. Humanist.