Dakshinayana Ekadashi

Swateek Jena
Jai Jagannath
Published in
Jul 6, 2021

The Dakshinayana Yatra is celebrated when the sun begins to moves to the autumnal equinox, this happens to be the Karka Sankranti.

The word Dakshinayana refers to the six months period when the sun moves from the summer solstice to the winter solstice, this typically falls on the July 16th of every year, since the English calendar follows the movement of the sun.

According to the Puranas, the Dakshinayana period is when the celestial Gods go into their slumber.


  1. http://magazines.odisha.gov.in/Orissareview/2016/July/engpdf/83-85.pdf
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakshinayana

