Parsva Parivartana Ekadashi

Swateek Jena
Jai Jagannath
Published in
Jul 10, 2021

On the 11th day of the bright fortnight of Bhadraba month, Lord Vishnu who’s in his celestial slumber turn over to the other side.

After the Bhoga Mandapa is over, Mahasnana and Chandana Lagi of the three deities are performed. After dressing them up in new clothes, Sarbanga and Bada Singhara bhoga are performed.

After these, the seal on the Khataseja Ghara (bedroom) is broken, for the purpose of turning sides of the deity, the box is then opened. The sleeping God is offered white flowers, then turned to face North as he was facing South before that.

The religious significance of this Ekadashi is plenty, and people observe fasts on this day.

Lord Vishnu’s Ananta Sayana — Deogarh Temple



