I May Suck Today but I Won’t tomorrow

Ren D
Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Last night while sitting in my office playing guitar, my son came in the room, little guitar in hand, tears streaming down his face. He said he isn’t anything. I looked at him puzzled. He said his sister is a crafter, his father is a coder and I’m a guitarist. We all are “things” but he isn’t.

I can’t lie. I was smiling on the inside. The fact that he called me a guitarist was wonderful. It’s a Covid hobby. I am slowly teaching myself via You Tube. I discovered I enjoy playing so I play everyday. But it feels different to be identified as a guitarist. It feels good. I digress, back to my son.

I asked him what he wanted to be. He looked at me confused. I told him he can be anything if he works towards it every day. My son nodded. He seemed to understand.

By doing something everyday, you will be it.

I found the entire conversation ironic. Just a couple months ago, I asked myself the same question. Who am I? Who did I want to be? What was I doing to get there?

Somewhat lost but somewhat found, I started reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. It seemed like I should understand the concepts prior to reading the book but I had no clue.

I didn’t understand I had the power to change my identity by changing my habits



Ren D

Jill of all trades, master of none. I write about self-awareness, personal growth, life lessons, and parenting.